InlineZipper copied to clipboard
InlineZipper is a BOF.NET that allows operators to compress files and folders in memory, and download it without touching the disk.
It is inspired by @Outflanknl's Zipper project, and uses BOF.NET's DownloadFile API.
Zip operation is performed using DotNetZip
First, you must compile BOF.NET from @CCob and load the bofnet.cna.
A bofnet.dll is added to the project but you can replace it with the one you compiled.
InlineZipper uses dnMerge from @CCob to merge the assemblies: it must be a release build to get the assemblies merged.
Once you compiled the InlineZipper project, you can execute as follows:
bofnet_load /path/to/InlineZipper.exe
bofnet_execute InlineZipper.Execute <path to file/folder> <path to file/folder> <...>
An example of a CNA that uses InlineZipper is provided, you must initialize BOF.NET and load the assembly before using it.
Zipper from @Outflanknl
BOF.NET and dnMerge from @CCob
DotNetZip from @haf