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Support external camera
I can think of multiple situations where one might want to make use of an external camera (like this and this) or mic for their phoneypot. Especially that some of these cameras already do have LED lights. I haven't tested this myself but are they supported out of the box, if they're compatible with android? Or do you need to add support for that?
Cool idea, but have no idea how the OS/API exposes these to apps. We had also considered supporting GoPro's, since they offer some kind of Bluetooth/Wifi connectivity, as well.
It's hard to guess what works and what doesn't without actually having one of these external cameras to play with. I'm guessing GoPro is gonna be a little more difficult than a simple camera as I'm assuming it has a tiny operating system running on it.
As far as detecting and checking the capabilities of the cameras go, I found this API that might be useful: https://developer.android.com/reference/android/hardware/camera2/CameraManager.html
Seems like most external cameras are suggesting people to use "CameraFi". It would be interesting to find out how they manage the cameras.
If you need GoPro support I can help :)
security factor This request is not just cool and novel, it would improve security to have this. The most significant vulnerability to the whole Haven rig is that the attacker spots the phone, and jacks the phone itself, removes battery or faraday bags it before the owner can see or react to the logs. The phone can be hidden more effectively if a snake cam is used.
opens up more use-cases If there are rodents in the walls, an exterminator who needs to do reconnaissance would probably not consider cutting a hole in the wall large enough to mount a smartphone. But drilling a hole for a snake cam is simple and it's a trivial repair at the end. Also protects the device from rodent destruction.
negative factors External cams help the voyeur pervs (https://github.com/guardianproject/haven/issues/62)
Not meaning to necro-bump this issue but having external camera (namely GoPro) BLE control for taking pictures would be a nice addition to the roster of features. Here's a simple implementation of GoPro BLE commands. Advantage of BLE over WiFi in GoPro cameras is less toll on battery life and more OPSEC (the WiFi SSID is a dead giveaway of a camera being present).
There are also relatively cheap action cameras out there, given how expensive GoPros are and the medium - high risk of losing the camera.
If anyone is interesting in helping me implement this feature go over to my fork