org-fit copied to clipboard
- org-fit The idea is to develop a "fitness tracking utility" (i.e. Strava/Runkeeper) based on org format. I started development mainly to learn a bit of Elisp and because I was disappointed by the switch to closed source license of Runalyze. For now it is just a small prototype
The architecture consists of three components:
- org-mode (actually the org-mode text format) to store data in human readable format. Org-mode format will play the same role of maildir for mu4e and ledger files for ledger.
- a command line utility (server) to process and index org-mode files. This plays the same role of mmu for mu4e and ledger
- a user interface (GUI) to present graph and statistics produced via the server
- org-fit format For now I'm only working on gym notes: i.e. notes taken while training in the gym. The idea is to have functionalities on par with [[]]
Each workout is a top-level entity. The second string of the entity title must be a date in format YYYY-MM-DD. The date will probably become a property of the entity. #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE
- Workout :PROPERTIES: :date: 2018-01-24 :END: #+END_EXAMPLE
Each exercise is a sub-entity of a workout entity. An exercise can have the following optional properties :
- name; it's the name of the entity
- muscle: a string to identifying the type of exercise. E.g Cardio, Abs, Legs.
- duration: duration of the exercise in format hh:mm:ss
- distance: distance in meters, i.e. 3200.0 m
** Rowing Machine
:muscle: Cardio
:duration: 0:15:39
:distance: 3200.0 m
** Crunch Machine
:muscle: Abs
An exercise can have multiple sets. Sets are expressed as a =-= list. #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE
- 11.0 kgs x 10 reps
- 11.0 kgs x 15 reps
- 11.0 kgs x 15 reps #+END_EXAMPLE Weight property for sets is optional #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE
- 10 reps
- 15 reps
- 15 reps #+END_EXAMPLE
You can find a complete example in [[]]
- server The server is implemented via a small command line python utility in =cli/ The server has a prompt, which allows to load org-files (and in future indexes) and process them without need of reloading them for each invocation.
The server supports the following commands
- =import csvfile orgfile= Converts a CSV file exported by fitnotes Android app to org-fit format
- =quit= Quit the program
- =load_org orgfile= Loads an org-fit file
- =list_muscles= List the tags used to classify exercises
- =graph value groupby months muscle filename= produces a linear graph
from the loaded fit file
- =value= is the value displayed and can be =count= (number of exercises), =sets= (number of sets), =reps= (total number of repetitions), =volume= (weight x reps)
- =groupsby= is the resolution of the =x= axis and can be =day=, =week=, or =month=
- =months= is the interval of the =x= axis and can be =all= (no limit) or an integer representing the number of months
- =muscle= filters the exercises and can be =all= or one of the strings used to tag the exercises (i.e. Chest)
- =filename= filename of the produced png
The server uses pandas, numpy, matplotlib, and orgparser
- GUI The GUI consists of an org-file where you can add graph and statistics and emacs functions defined in [[file:emacs/gym.el]].
** Configuration There are three variables to customize:
- =org-fit-data-file= full-path of your org-fit file
- =org-fit-export-path= full-path of the directory used to produce the graphs
- =org-fit-cli-exec= full-path of
** Using the GUI Open an org file like [[]]. This is your main GUI. Graph are produced by manipulating org-babel snippets.
- To start the org-fit execute =org-fit-start=.
- To add a graph for historical data execute =org-fit-add-graph-history=
- To add a table for historical data execute =org-fit-add-table-summary=
- To add a pie chart graph execute =org-fit-add-graph-breakout=
- To add a table for breakout data execute =org-fit-add-table-breakout=
- You can update a graph by moving the cursor in the corresponding org-babel fragment and use the following keybinding
- =C-q 1= display volume (i.e. kg * reps)
- =C-q 2= display reps
- =C-q 3= display max weight
- =C-q 4= display sets
- =C-q 5= display max reps
- =C-q 6= display 1RM Epley formula
- =C-w 1= group per month
- =C-w 2= group per week
- =C-w 3= group per day
- =C-e 1= limit results to last month
- =C-e 2= limit results to two months
- =C-e 3= limit results to three months
- =C-e 6= limit results to six month
- =C-e 0= no time limit
- =C-e e= filter per exercise
- =C-e 0= filter per muscle
- Work in progress
- breakout graph per exercise
- selection of time range for breakout graph
- Import/merging
- Compute additional data per workout