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A lightweight environment-aware config reader for ruby apps


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LiteConfig automates the loading of Rails-style YAML config files. With a single line the config file is lazily loaded and cached, automatically choosing the current environment's hash. It also supports local developer override via a simple, easily git-ignoreable naming convention.


It's just a regular gem, add with the usual Gemfile declaration:

gem 'lite_config'

Alternatively if you aren't using Bundler then you probably don't need me telling you what to do.


By default LiteConfig follows the Rails convention for config file directory. For instance you might have a file config/options.yml:

  stuff: Things
  stuff: Test Things

You can access the sub-hash of the current environment with a simple method call:

=> {"stuff"=>"Things"}

Note that it is a HashWithIndifferentAccess:

=> "Things"

It's worth mentioning that this applies to nested hashes as well, so given config/options.yml:

    inner: Stuff

you can do:

=> "Stuff"

Of course any valid YAML will work, but it works particularly nicely with simple hashes and arrays.

ERB Config Files

You might want part of your config file to be dynamic, the most obvious use of which would be to inject secrets from an environment variables. You do so by adding an .erb extension to the file. For instance if you have the file config/options.yml.erb you could pull in a secret key from the environment like this:

  secret_key: abc123
  secret_key: <%= ENV['SECRET_KEY'] %>

Flat Config Files

Do you ever cringe when your config file uses advanced YAML features do duplicate the exact same hash for every environment? With LiteConfig you can just skip the environment keys at the top-level entirely if you want to. So for instance a config file config/options.yml containing only:

root: This is tops

can be used as such:

=> "This is tops"

In case you're wondering, this is based on a simple heuristic by checking for the presence of a test, development or production at the root level, so if those are the keys for your config values than I'm sorry but you'll need to go back to your byzantine YAML ampersand syntax hacks.

Local Overrides

Sometimes on your team individual developers have local configuration that you don't want in version control. Consider config/geoip.yml:

foo: bar
data_file: /usr/share/geoip.dat

But developers may not all organize their systems exactly the same way, so you create a local config named config/geoip_local.yml:

data_file: /Users/apple-fanboy/Documents/geoip.dat

LiteConfig automatically picks this up based on the naming convention and merges the values into main config file hash:

=> "/Users/apple-fanboy/Documents/geoip.dat"

=> "bar"

The naming convention also allows you to add the following to your .gitignore:


LiteConfig Settings

LiteConfig is meant to work out of the box with Rails, but it also is configurable. Note that these settings can not be changed after the first config file is loaded as that could lead to the wrong data being loaded and cached.

LiteConfig.config_path = '/usr/local/global_app_config' # Full path to the directory files should be loaded from
LiteConfig.app_env = 'production' # Explicitly override RAILS_ENV, RACK_ENV defaults

Future Ideas

  • Convert LiteConfig to an insantiable class instead of a singleton
  • Ability to raise errors for undefined config keys
  • Support TOML or other config formats
  • Allow OpenStruct-like access to the config. I'm not 100% sure on the ROI of this feature.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request