Srujana Gattupalli
Srujana Gattupalli
Hi, can someone explain how the bottom up Vitpose model work? Can you give an example with VITpose_B. I am instrested in the smallest, fastest single person pose model among...
Hi, Can you please point to part in config or scripts to change number of transformer blocks in the network for training? Thanks
Hello, I was wondering, what is the model which is on Web Demo for video in HuggingFace? I would like to test that using scripts. Are weights provided for that...
Hello, Is it possible to use this with SDXL instead of SD1.5? Also, for training this model with SDXL base model.
Hi, can you please provide the license information. Really interesting work and has lot of applications!
Please add license information
Hi, test on custom data gives very poor outcomes. Is that because the model provided is only trained on 13 shapenet categories. Would it help to train on entire shapenet...
Are there plans to release pretrained models for this? thanks
Hi, Thanks for the interesting work. I am looking to see if this can run real-time with webcam inputs. Please let me know if that is possible. Also can this...