Gary Snider

Results 67 issues of Gary Snider

### Environment * Python version: 3.7.13 * Nautobot version: 1.3.10 The API and UI are relying on `approval_required=True` and `has_sensitive_variables=True` to be mutually exclusive in order to prevent these jobs...

type: bug

### Proposed Changes Add `invoke shell_plus` to until `invoke nbshell` can be replaced in 2.0 by #951. Maybe add ipython and autoreload support? ### Justification Make shell_plus available to...

# Closes: #2283 # What's Changed - Add factoryboy factories for `Prefix` and `IPAddress` models - Add `Prefix` as a subfactory of `Aggregate` to create prefixes inside the aggregate's IP...

### Proposed Changes Change static screenshots to gifs of some common Nautobot workflows (add a new device from the rack elevation view, cable up an interface, filter a list view)....

type: documentation
good first issue

### Proposed Changes Move methods from `RestrictedQuerySet` to a mixin, and create a `NautobotQuerySet` class that inherits from `django.db.models.QuerySet` and the new mixin. Update `RestrictedQuerySet` to inherit from `NautobotQuerySet` and...

### Proposed Changes Remove static test data from `IPAddressQuerySet` test case and `PrefixQuerysetTestCase` and convert to use randomized data from factories built in #2283. There's enough work on just these...

type: housekeeping

### Proposed Changes Find out if there's a graphql syntax lexer we can use for highlighting graphql code blocks in material for mkdocs ### Justification Make the documentation easier to...

type: documentation
type: housekeeping

### Proposed Changes Add more of the information from the [what is Nautobot]( section of the documentation to the README. ## Some examples from around github ![image]( --- ![image]( ---...

type: documentation

### Environment * Nautobot version (Docker tag too if applicable): v1.5.0a0 * Python version: 3.10.7 * Database platform, version: Postgres 13 * Middleware(s): ### Steps to Reproduce 1. From the...

### As ... P.D. - Plugin Developer ### I want ... As P.D. the plugin developer, I want a simple interface to schedule a job execution via the ORM so...

type: feature