you can find the half datasets from ,but I can't find the datasets from sighan2008
same situation,have you solved this question > after running still can't train the django model, it finishes without an error but doesn't seem to do anything. what should I...
I have got the scripts,but as @armheb said it finished without an error,after I run the command "./scripts/atis/ 0" . I think the scripts may have some problems. :)
there is no error message at all , maybe the " python -u ..." in the "./scripts/atis/ 0 " hasn't been excuted for some reason .
`Namespace(action_embed_size=128, answer_prune=True, asdl_file='asdl/lang/lambda_dcs/lambda_asdl.txt', att_vec_size=256, batch_size=10, beam_size=5, clip_grad=5.0, column_att='affine', cuda=True, decay_lr_every_epoch=False, decode_max_time_step=110, decoder_word_dropout=0.3, dev_file='data/atis/dev.bin', dropout=0.3, embed_size=128, eval_top_pred_only=False, evaluator='default_evaluator', field_embed_size=32, glorot_init=True, glove_embed_path=None, hidden_size=256, lang='python', load_model=None, log_every=50, lr=0.001, lr_decay=0.5, lr_decay_after_epoch=0, lstm='lstm', max_epoch=-1, max_num_trial=5,...
thanks for your patience :)