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Computer calculations made easy
It would be useful to have the conversion using OpenMath also for polynomials, in particular, I would like to have at least the conversion from OpenMath to Yacas of the...
Please check that the entries about yacas in the wikipedia page [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_computer_algebra_systems](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_computer_algebra_systems) are correct and up-to-date
I tried this limit ``` In> Limit(k, Infinity) (s11+s12*k)/Sqrt((w^2+s11)*(w^2+s11+k^2*s22+2*k*s12)) Out> (s11+s12*Infinity)/Sqrt((w^2+s11)*(w^2+s11+Infinity*s22+2*Infinity*s12)) ``` I was expecting ``` s12/Sqrt(s22*(s11 + w^2)) ``` See .
As mentioned in #272: Improve documentation on multivariate polynomials.
Hello, I am trying to implement [Low-order polylogarithms](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mathematical_series#Low-order_polylogarithms). I have tried these rules: ``` SumFunc(_k, 1, _n, _k * (z_IsFreeOf(k)^k), z*( 1 - (n+1)*z^n + n*z^(n+1))/((1 - z)^2)); SumFunc(_k, 1,...
Yacas can't integrate `1 / (1 + Sqrt(x))`: ``` In> Integrate(x) 1 / (1 + Sqrt(x)) Out> Integrate(x)1/(Sqrt(x)+1) ``` The integration is not difficult via a substitution `u = 1...
**Reported by anonymous on 2011-11-20 12:40 UTC** Calculations are performed for a long time (and probably never stop - i've been waiting for couple of minutes) --- Moved from SF:...
**Reported by anonymous on 2011-11-20 12:38 UTC** Simplify(2(x-1+1)) --- Comment by hmatuschek: Seems to be fixed by additional rule: 10 # Simplify((_x)(_y)) <-\- Simplify(x)Simplify(y); But I don't know if this...
**Reported by jleto on 2011-11-20 12:22 UTC** In> Integrate(x) Infinity Out> Infinity*x I can't seem to fixed this with IntFunc(x,Infinity,Infinity); --- Moved from SF: 575539
**Reported by jleto on 2011-11-20 12:12 UTC** In> A:={{1,2,3,4},{0,1,2,3},{0,0,1,2},{I,0,I,I}}; Out> {{1,2,3,4},{0,1,2,3},{0,0,1,2}, Complex(0,1),0,Complex(0,1),Complex(0,1)}}; In> EigenValues(A) C pressed CommandLine(1) : User interrupted calculation --- Moved from SF: 562278