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terragrunt destroy Questions to ask
Describe the bug Hello, I recently started to convert my terraform to terragrunt for management, but I have encountered some problems in use, I hope I can ask here, if there is a mistake or understanding error, please let me know, thank you
I first put my architecture diagram and the corresponding program.
- architecture diagram
├── README.md
├── modules
│ ├── google_container_cluster
│ │ ├── main.tf
│ │ ├── outputs.tf
│ │ └── variables.tf
│ └── google_container_node_pool
│ ├── main.tf
│ └── variables.tf
└── projects
├── test-01234
│ ├── gke
│ └── test
│ ├── aaa-node-pool
│ │ └── terragrunt.hcl
│ ├── bbb-node-pool
│ │ └── terragrunt.hcl
│ └── cluster
│ └── terragrunt.hcl
└── terragrunt.hcl
Under the module folder, I am divided into cluster and node_pool according to the resource name, and there are corresponding tf files in it
- modules/google_container_cluster/main.tf
provider "google" {
project = var.project_id
resource "google_container_cluster" "cluster" {
project = var.project_id
name = var.cluster_name
location = var.cluster_location
node_locations = var.node_locations
release_channel {
channel = var.release_channel
min_master_version = var.cluster_version
network = var.network_name
subnetwork = var.subnetwork_name
default_max_pods_per_node = var.node_max_pods
remove_default_node_pool = var.remove_default_node_pool
initial_node_count = var.initial_node_count
enable_intranode_visibility = false
enable_shielded_nodes = var.enable_shielded_nodes
resource_labels = var.resource_labels
maintenance_policy {
recurring_window {
start_time = "2023-06-19T02:00:00Z"
end_time = "2023-06-19T09:00:00Z"
recurrence = "FREQ=WEEKLY;BYDAY=TU,TH"
ip_allocation_policy {
cluster_secondary_range_name = "gke-pods"
services_secondary_range_name = "gke-service"
addons_config {
http_load_balancing {
disabled = false
horizontal_pod_autoscaling {
disabled = false
network_policy_config {
disabled = true
dynamic "dns_config" {
for_each = var.dns_enabled ? [1] : []
content {
cluster_dns = var.cluster_dns
cluster_dns_scope = var.cluster_dns_scope
private_cluster_config {
enable_private_nodes = true
enable_private_endpoint = false
master_ipv4_cidr_block = var.private_cluster_ipv4_cidr
master_auth {
client_certificate_config {
issue_client_certificate = false
dynamic "binary_authorization" {
for_each = var.binary_authorization_enabled ? [1] : []
content {
evaluation_mode = var.binary_authorization
logging_config {
enable_components = ["SYSTEM_COMPONENTS", "WORKLOADS"]
monitoring_config {
enable_components = ["SYSTEM_COMPONENTS"]
timeouts {}
- modules/google_container_node_pool/main.tf
provider "google" {
project = var.project_id
resource "google_container_node_pool" "node_pool" {
name = var.node_pool_name
project = var.project_id
cluster = var.cluster_name
location = var.cluster_location
node_count = var.node_count
version = var.cluster_version
node_config {
machine_type = var.node_machine_type
disk_size_gb = var.node_disk_size
disk_type = var.node_disk_type
image_type = var.node_image_type
oauth_scopes = var.node_oauth_scopes
spot = var.node_spot
tags = var.node_tags
dynamic "taint" {
for_each = var.node_taint_enabled ? [1] : []
content {
key = var.node_taint_key
value = var.node_taint_value
effect = var.node_taint_effect
management {
auto_repair = var.auto_repair
auto_upgrade = var.auto_upgrade
upgrade_settings {
max_surge = var.upgrade_max_surge
max_unavailable = var.upgrade_max_unavailable
strategy = var.upgrade_strategy
dynamic "autoscaling" {
for_each = var.autoscaling_enabled ? [1] : []
content {
max_node_count = var.autoscaling_max_node_count
min_node_count = var.autoscaling_min_node_count
total_max_node_count = var.autoscaling_total_max_node_count
total_min_node_count = var.autoscaling_total_min_node_count
timeouts {}
lifecycle {
create_before_destroy = true
There will be a terragrunt.hcl under the projects to place remote_state and generate "provider", and partition according to the gcp project. Finally, different resources will be placed in the project, such as gke, gce, etc.
- projects/terragrunt.hcl
remote_state {
backend = "gcs"
generate = {
path = "backend.tf"
if_exists = "overwrite"
config = {
bucket = "terraform-state"
prefix = "test-01234/${path_relative_to_include()}"
generate "provider" {
path = "provider.tf"
if_exists = "overwrite"
contents = <<EOF
terraform {
required_providers {
google = {
source = "hashicorp/google"
version = "~> 4.70.0"
inputs = {
project_id = "gcp-XXX"
- projects/test-01234/gke/test/cluster/terragrunt.hcl
terraform {
source = "${get_path_to_repo_root()}/modules/google_container_cluster"
include {
path = find_in_parent_folders()
inputs = {
cluster_name = "test"
cluster_location = "asia-east1-b"
node_locations = []
release_channel = "UNSPECIFIED"
cluster_version = "1.26.5-gke.1200"
network_name = "XXX"
subnetwork_name = "XXX"
node_max_pods = 64
remove_default_node_pool = true
initial_node_count = 3
enable_shielded_nodes = false
resource_labels = {
"dept" : "XXX",
"env" : "XXX",
"group" : "XXX",
"product" : "XXX"
dns_enabled = false
cluster_dns_scope = "DNS_SCOPE_UNSPECIFIED"
private_cluster_ipv4_cidr = "XXX"
binary_authorization_enabled = true
binary_authorization = "DISABLED"
- projects/test-01234/gke/test/aaa-node-pool/terragrunt.hcl
(bbb-node-pool setting is similar to aaa-node-pool)
terraform {
source = "${get_path_to_repo_root()}/modules/google_container_node_pool"
include {
path = find_in_parent_folders()
dependency "cluster" {
config_path = "../cluster"
skip_outputs = true
inputs = {
cluster_name = "test"
cluster_location = "asia-east1-b"
cluster_version = "1.26.5-gke.1200"
node_pool_name = "aaa-node-pool"
node_count = 1
node_machine_type = "e2-small"
node_disk_size = 100
node_disk_type = "pd-standard"
node_image_type = "COS_CONTAINERD"
node_oauth_scopes = [
node_tags = []
node_taint_enabled = false
node_taint_key = ""
node_taint_value = ""
node_taint_effect = ""
auto_repair = true
auto_upgrade = false
upgrade_max_surge = 1
upgrade_max_unavailable = 0
upgrade_strategy = "SURGE"
autoscaling_enabled = false
autoscaling_max_node_count = 0
autoscaling_min_node_count = 0
autoscaling_total_max_node_count = 0
autoscaling_total_min_node_count = 0
Question 1:If I want to adjust the name of bbb-node-pool, I need to manually modify the name of bbb-node-pool under test and the node_pool_name in the terragrunt.hcl file, use terragrunt run-all plan
, it will add ccc-node-pool, but bbb-node-pool will not be removed, and the state files on gcs will be retained
Question 2: I want to destroy the resources of ccc-node-pool, but I don’t know how to remove them individually. I use terragrunt run-all destroy
to remove all resources.
Question 3: Question 2, if I directly delete the file ccc-node-pool folder, and then use terragrunt run-all plan
, it will not detect that the ccc-node-pool service has been removed.
Question 4: After deleting the resource, the folder on gcs still exists. Although there will be no data in default.tfstate, the experience of using it is not very good
Expected behavior I think it should be the same as terraform, which can automatically check whether there is a lack of configuration files when planning, and execute the destruction first. It may be that my planning method is different from the official one. I hope that some users can provide my opinions and ideas, thank you
- Terragrunt version: v0.48.1
- Terraform version: v1.5.3
- Environment details (Ubuntu 20.04, Windows 10, etc.): MacOS darwin_amd64