grunt-contrib-watch copied to clipboard
Directory deletions don't trigger a watch event
Watch events don't seem to be getting triggered when a directory is deleted.
Mind posting your gruntfile, node.js version and operating system?
Sorry, yeah, I'll put together a test case tomorrow.
Same here. When I delete a folder, the trigger is not fired
OS: Win8 Node: v0.10.25
livereload: true
spawn: false
files: ['src/coffee/**/*.coffee']
tasks: ['coffee']
files: ['src/style/**/*.less']
tasks: ['less']
files: ['src/views/**/*.html']
tasks: ['ngtemplates']
files: ['src/i18n/**/*.json', 'src/index.html']
tasks: ['copy']
Had the same behavior, seems fixed in the latest version of node (I was about to report this bug but then I noticed the version number of node and upgraded). Fixed in the current version. OSX: 10.9.2 Node: v0.10.26 Grunt: grunt-cli v0.1.13
Are the patterns matching a folder being deleted? For instance the pattern src/coffee/**/*.coffee
would only match a folder named
, right?
Just did a quick test because i found that an interesting question. That works also (added a folder test.js and added a file, then removed the folder at once). The watch fired ever step of the way: once upon folder creation, once upon adding the file, once upon deletion :)
I'm afraid I'll have to retract my statement from earlier on... It seems that on my other machine (same version configs, same gruntfile etc), the folder deletion does not fire when performing the same actions... I'm not sure what's different.
I also experience this. I would expect a folder deletion to fire off the watch task if its matched by the pattern. It does pick up the event when creating a folder, a file in that folder, or deleting a file in that folder.
This is on: Node 0.10.26 Grunt 0.4.4 Grunt watch 0.6.1
Watch config:
watch: {
gruntfile: {
files: ['Gruntfile.js']
js: {
options: {
livereload: true
files: ['scripts/**'],
tasks: ['newer:jshint', 'concat:scripts', 'copy:scripts', 'webdav_sync:scripts']
fonts: {
files: ['styles/fonts/**'],
tasks: ['copy:fonts']
images: {
files: ['images/**/*.{png,jpg,gif,svg}'],
tasks: ['newer:imagemin', 'newer:svgmin', 'webdav_sync:images']
styles: {
files: ['styles/css/**'],
tasks: ['concat:styles', 'copy:styles', 'webdav_sync:styles']
templates: {
files: ['templates/**'],
tasks: ['webdav_sync:templates']
Same problem here. Directory deletion does not fire up any event, however something is happening because after deleting the directory AND THEN deleting some other, random FILE Grunt produces an error:
>> watch ENOENT
>> watch ENOENT
(repetition amount is random).
- node 0.10.30
- grunt 0.4.5
- grunt-contrib-watch: 0.6.1
I'm using watch plugin by triggering my custom function bound to the watch
grunt.event.on('watch', function (action, filepath, target) {...}
Still experiencing this issue in:
node v4.5.0 Grunt v1.0.1 grunt-contrib-watch v1.0.0 Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS
My watch task file pattern is: src/assets/img/**/*
Deleting src/assets/img/dir/file.jpg
fires a watch
Deleting src/assets/img/dir
does NOT fire a watch
#217 is related, I believe.
This issue still persists.
grunt.event.on('watch', function(action, filepath, target) {
grunt.log.writeln(target + ': ' + filepath + ' has ' + action);
Code above will only log files/directories added, file changes, deletion of files, but not deletion of directories.
- Grunt
- Watch
- Node
- macOS