Sublime-Notepad-Replacement copied to clipboard
A simple launcher app to allow Sublime Text to replace Notepad on Windows.
The ReplaceNotepad.bat script doesn't work if the folder/path has certain symbols in it ("&", "^"). The script will quickly disappear if run from explorer, so you may not get an...
Tried it this morning but all I get is this: 
The program can't start because MSVCR100.dll ismissing from your computer.
Searching through the repository I cannot find any mention to open source licence. By this project being on Github, I am allowed to fork it by the [Github TOS]( (Terms...
"\"%~dp0SublimeLauncher.exe\" -n -z" This opens a new instance of notepad/sublime in a new window However if i right click>edit a file, it opens an empty new window. The file to...
Fixed the Error message ... could be a bit confusing.