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py/pyext – Python scripting objects for Pure Data and Max

Results 13 py issues
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Hello Thomas, I am having a bit of an issue with the latest version available in deken. Everything works as expected until I want to quit Pd. It -just wont...

For beginners (e.g. me) it is very hard to follow the installation instructions in the README. It does not state what needs to be downloaded from where, nor where it...

Hi, I've been trying to get PD working with Python 3 and even though I got this external to build with Python 3.6, PD says "can't load library". (A 2.7....

Hello, I have built both flext and py using `./ pd gcc` and I can successfully run the py examples that do not make use of DSP (e.g.: simple-1.pd). When...


In flext, i specified `CXXFLAGS & CPPFLAGS = "-fPIC" make` and compiled flext. The compilation completes and the scrolling logs have "-fPIC -DPIC". In py, when compiling, i get this...

Hi, I'm working on the Signal example in Max 7. As it is, the gain gets set with the "set gain" but the signal is not actually connected to the...

Hello, Following the instructions for building the externals from source, I succeeded in building a 64 bit py object for Max. The only issue I am encountering is with the...

Hi I have pyext up and running on Mac OSX 10.11.5, built-in Python 2.7.10, Pd 0.47.0 64-bit, pyext-local 2.7 (from here: I can run the example patches and scripts,...

I'm working on a Max 7 patch that I hope to use `[py]` in. After building from source the first time, I encountered the following: ``` source/pybase.cpp:490:16: error: no matching...

I had to modify some parts of the `` in order to compile against an alternative Python installation (from brew). I'll put them here so it can serve as documentation...
