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flext – C++ development layer for Pure Data and Max

Results 22 flext issues
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Hello. I ran into problems using flext when compiling externals (into a library) without using FLEXT_USE_CMEM on a bela (using a xenomai linux). I did not dig deep - but...

Hi... Since pulling the latest version of Flext master into my project, I am getting link errors: ``` duplicate symbol 'operator delete[](void*)' in: /Volumes/Storage/jamie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ml-cegbtphjlzgqndapbzubbuwhzqli/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ml.build/Development/ml.knn pd.build/Objects-normal/x86_64/ml_base.o /Volumes/Storage/jamie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ml-cegbtphjlzgqndapbzubbuwhzqli/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ml.build/Development/ml.knn pd.build/Objects-normal/x86_64/ml_regression.o duplicate symbol 'operator...

Hello. I ran into problems using FLEXT_USE_CMEM, it result in a call-loop: `void *operator new(size_t bytes)` in flsupport.cpp calls `flext_root::operator new(bytes);` which is inlined with: `::operator new(bytes);` defined in flsupport.h...

there are probably few people on the Hurd that want to use flext, but nevetheless. this patch allows to build the project on GNU/Hurd and kFreeBSD (as shipped in Debian),...

seems like the autotools bulidsystem does not install the `flfeatures.h` file.

hi, i'm trying to build flext for 64-bit Pd (amd64, not double precision) on Windows 10 using MSVC. since MSVC doesn't allow inline assembly on 64-bit, this fails on `flsimd.cpp`...

followed the instructions but I'm stuck at this point: > Omars-MacBook-Pro:flext-master omar$ bash build.sh max gcc /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/make -f ./buildsys/gnumake-sub.mak PLATFORM=mac RTSYS=max COMPILER=gcc BUILDPATH=./buildsys/ PKGINFO=package.txt BUILDCLASS=flext USRCONFIG=config.txt USRMAKE=build/gnumake-mac-gcc.inc TARGETMODE=release TARGETTYPE=single _build_...

Hi, **TL;DR : I face a syntax error when building _flext_ under windows, although I successfuly built it under OSX.** I am trying to build flext for _Max 7_ with...

why is v0.5.1 a direct *successor* of v0.6.0? should the tag read `v0-6-1` instead?

Hi Been experimenting with Pd_leapmotion (based on flext) for some time and recent Mac OS updates seem to crash with this. Thought I'd build the flext code and investigate. simple1...