grpc-web copied to clipboard
TypeError: b is not a function. (In 'b(null, d)', 'b' is undefined)
Hi there,
I'm having some issues invoking gRPC-web calls from my React application. Invoking my RPC works correctly and the server receives the request without issue, however an error appears in my console on every request.
index.js:60 Uncaught TypeError: b is not a function
at Array.<anonymous> (index.js:60)
at yc (index.js:53)
at S.<anonymous> (index.js:51)
at Ib (index.js:34)
at O (index.js:33)
at oc (index.js:42)
at S.push../node_modules/grpc-web/index.js.S.O (index.js:40)
at S.push../node_modules/grpc-web/index.js.S.K (index.js:40)
I'm running a gRPC server in Go with a React application communicating with the Go server via the Envoy proxy.
I compile my Proto using the following command:
protoc \
--js_out=import_style=commonjs,binary:web-client/src/ \
--grpc-web_out=import_style=commonjs,mode=grpcwebtext:web-client/src/ \
$ protoc --version
libprotoc 3.14.0
and I build my request from React like so:
const { GetMessagesRequest, Message } = require('../../proto/myapp_pb.js');
const { MyappClient } = require('../../proto/myapp_grpc_web_pb');
const myappService = new MyappClient('http://localhost:8080');
const msg = new Message()
const meta = {
"authorization": "fake_123456",
await myappService.broadcast(msg, meta)
Similar issue, protoc 3.13.0, same compile command.
index.js:60 Uncaught TypeError: b is not a function
at Array.<anonymous> (index.js:60)
at X (index.js:53)
at S.<anonymous> (index.js:51)
at Ib (index.js:34)
at O (index.js:33)
at oc (index.js:42)
at S.push../node_modules/grpc-web/index.js.S.O (index.js:40)
at S.push../node_modules/grpc-web/index.js.S.K (index.js:40)
I can confirm that with 1.1.0 this problem does not exist, so it was introduced in the 1.2.0 release.
My coworker found the issue here - before, my call looked like this:
function doCall() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.on("data", () => resolve())
.on("status", () => {})
.on("error", response => reject(response.message));
But now it needs to look like:
function doCall() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
client.rpcCall(request, null, (err, response) => {
if (err) {
else {
Hopefully this may help you as well.
I'm getting the same error with 1.3.0
Hi! Thanks for the bug report and sorry for the delay!
I'm curious if this bug is specific to the Go grpc server, or this is more common than that?
I'm not quite able to reproduce this issue on the nodejs + commonjs example that we have here. So i will need some help to reproduce.. :)
If someone could create a minimal repro in Docker maybe i could try it out and debug it.
Thanks! :)
Thanks a lot for that piece of code @alertedsnake there are some similar syntax for a server stream?
I want to isolate the protobuf code from my component so I want to process each batch of the stream separately
import {ResultServiceClient} from "../protobuf/generated/result_grpc_web_pb";
const resultMessages = require('../protobuf/generated/result_pb')
export class ResultService {
client: ResultServiceClient
messages: any
stream: any
constructor() {
this.client = new ResultServiceClient("http://localhost:8080", null, null)
this.messages = resultMessages
getStream(batchUuid: string) {
let streamResultsRequest = new resultMessages.StreamResultsRequest()
streamResultsRequest.setBatchUuid(batchUuid) = this.client.streamResults(streamResultsRequest, {})
// something like this but get each batch as a promise not only the first one or all together
getData() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {'data', function (response: { getResultsList: () => any; }) {
@Enrikerf oh - I'm FAR from the right person to be asking, I do very little Javascript, not sure I can really help much :)