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Merging two .proto files with different packages using protoc-gen-swagger throws error
I ran into an issue similar to 746,.
I have a setup with multiple micro services each defined in their own .proto file. Code generation works well until I tried to combine my openAPI documentation using protoc-gen-swagger
from grpc-gateway
Using this command protoc --proto_path=api/v1 --proto_path=$GOPATH/src --proto_path=third_party --swagger_out=logtostderr=true,allow_merge=true:third_party/OpenAPI a/a.proto b/b.proto
to generate a merged apidocs.swagger.json
file containing all services defined in a and b respectively so that I can serve it as a single page throws this error --swagger_out: inconsistent package names: a b
. Notice that a and b are all in different packages a and b.
service a:
syntax = "proto3";
package com.somecompany.a;
option go_package = "a";
import "google/api/annotations.proto";
// A is a service for handling Foo stuff.
service A {
// List all Foos
// Returns a (possibly paginated) list of all foo resources on success.
rpc ListFoos (ListFoosRequest) returns (ListFoosResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = { get: "/v1/foos" };
// The ListFoos request message.
message ListFoosRequest {}
// The ListFoos response message.
message ListFoosResponse {}
service b:
syntax = "proto3";
package com.somecompany.b;
option go_package = "b";
import "google/api/annotations.proto";
// B is a service for handling Bar stuff.
service B {
// List all Bars
// Returns a (possibly paginated) list of all bar resources on success.
rpc ListBars (ListBarsRequest) returns (ListBarsResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = { get: "/v1/bars" };
// The ListBars request message.
message ListBarsRequest {}
// The ListBars response message.
message ListBarsResponse {}
Am I using this incorrectly? I would think that my use case is plausible since having each service in its own package helps maintained separation of concerns and keep service module smaller.
Haha I already answered in #746, but to clarify, it is currently working as intended, that is not to say that we couldn't look into making this work.
I would say that it's not uncommon when existing a set of services to specify another, superset service and use that with the gateway as a simple proxy to the others.
Would you by any chance know of any hack I can use for now to get those swagger files concatenated, if so would mind sharing?
I think you'd have to write a post processing tool to read both and merge the fields. There probably exists tools to do this.
@bsakweson can merge swagger files. we're using this to create one unified swagger definition.
I wanted to generate the API into a single swagger file with services spread out throughout the codebase (which I believe is the same issue referenced here).
I changed the proto argument to take a label_list, and updated a few locations to handle it.
and I now I can define a singular rule in the project that references all of the services I want included in the API documentation.
name = "openapi",
proto = [
"//common/domain:point_service_proto", # note different package here!!! this was the problem. woot!
single_output = True,
Is this something you'd be interested in a PR for if I cleaned it up? Is there something I'm missing that makes this a bad idea?
Would this be a breaking change from today? I'm not familiar enough with our rule to say. Maybe @achew22 can weigh in.
We could add a new option, protos
, which takes a list. The macro would require either proto or protos specified, then I believe it would be backwards compatible.
Hello, I have similar issue to generate single swagger file from multiple proto files.
I found out that there was an effort to generate single swagger output from multiple proto files in protoc-gen-swagger
. (
this document said protoc-gen-swagger
has been renamed protoc-gen-openapiv2
Until now, it is the best way to generate single swagger file is to merge multiple swagger files using go-swagger tool? (thanks to @birdayz) So, there is no similar option or functionality to generate one single swagger output from multiple proto files like protoc-gen-swagger in protoc-gen-openapiv2?
There definitely is:
oh wow, thanks for the info. 👍 I was so confused with lots of issues, but finally I could generate swagger file that I want, thanks for your comment.
Nice, happy to hear it!