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:zap: GrowthBook Proxy Server - Caching, Streaming, Security, and Scalability

GrowthBook Proxy

GrowthBook is a modular Feature Flagging and Experimentation platform.

The GrowthBook Proxy server sits between your application and GrowthBook. It turbocharges your GrowthBook implementation by providing speed, scalability, security, and real-time feature rollouts.


  • :zap: Caching - Significantly faster feature lookups!
    • In-memory cache plus an optional distributed layer (Redis or MongoDB)
    • Automatic cache invalidation when features change in GrowthBook (using WebHooks)
  • :satellite: Streaming - Updates your application in real-time as features are changed or toggled (Javascript and React only)
  • :lock: Remote Evaluation - Hide your features' business logic in insecure environments
  • :key: Secure - Private-key authentication between GrowthBook and GrowthBook Proxy
  • :left_right_arrow: Horizontally Scalable - Support millions of concurrent users

Coming soon

  • Realtime feature usage monitoring and alerting
  • Additional support for edge deployments
  • Streaming and Remote Evaluation support for more SDKs

About this Repository

The GrowthBook Proxy repository is a mono-repo containing the following packages:

Package link description
@growthbook/proxy apps/proxy The GrowthBook Proxy server. The remainder of this document pertains to this package.
@growthbook/proxy-eval lib/eval The remote evaluation engine used by the GrowthBook Proxy server. This package may be included into other back ends, edge functions, etc.
@growthbook/edge-utils lib/edge-utils The base GrowthBook Edge App. Can be used standalone. Used in vendor-specific edge libs.
@growthbook/edge-cloudflare lib/edge-cloudflare The Cloudflare Workers implementation of the GrowthBook Edge App.
@growthbook/edge-fastly lib/edge-fastly The Fastly Compute implementation of the GrowthBook Edge App.
@growthbook/edge-lambda lib/edge-lambda The AWS Lambda@Edge implementation of the GrowthBook Edge App.

What's new

Version 1.1.4

  • Support Redis-based sticky bucketing for remote evaluation
  • Update remote evaluation to allow for buffered sticky bucket writes
  • Update SDK version to support sticky bucketing and prerequisite flags

Version 1.1.2

  • Fix max payload size bug

Version 1.1.1

  • Multi organization support
  • Support paginated SDK Connection polling

Version 1.1.0

  • Remote evaluation support added
  • Released @growthbook/proxy-eval package; reformatted codebase as a mono-repo
  • Minimum supported Node.js version is now 18.0.0.

Older versions

  • Redis cluster support
  • Horizontal scaling support for proxy cluster using Redis pub/sub
  • Streaming support (SSE)
  • Graceful shutdown
  • Stampede protection & debouncer for cache misses


Install and run with Docker

docker pull growthbook/proxy:latest
docker run -d -p 3300:3300 \
  -e "SECRET_API_KEY=key_abc123" \
  --name gbproxy growthbook/proxy

Then, simply point your GrowthBook SDKs to the GrowthBook Proxy instead of the GrowthBook API.

You will need to create a "readonly" secret API key in GrowthBook by going to Settings -> API Keys (you can also use a Personal Access Token if preferred). Or you can use a custom SECRET_API_KEY of your choosing. Whichever method you choose, this key will be used to authenticate your proxy server with the GrowthBook app.

Self-hosted customers

You will also need to ensure that your self-hosted GrowthBook instance is configured to use the proxy server. This includes setting environment variables in your GrowthBook instance (back-end):


If you are using a custom SECRET_API_KEY, you should also add an environment variable to your GrowthBook instance (ex: SECRET_API_KEY=key_abc123).

Cloud customers

There are many reasons to self-host the GrowthBook Proxy (ex: low-latency consistent cache within your infrastructure, ability to customize SSE streaming). Additionally, Remote Evaluation is only available on a privately-hosted endpoint, such as this proxy server.

You must enable your self-hosted GrowthBook Proxy by setting a custom proxy webhook URL for each SDK Connection via SDK Configuration -> SDK Connections in the GrowthBook app.

See GrowthBook's Proxy documentation for more information.


The GrowthBook Proxy supports a number of configuration options available via environment variables:

  • GROWTHBOOK_API_HOST - Set this to the host and port of your GrowthBook API instance
  • SECRET_API_KEY - Create a secret API key in GrowthBook by going to Settings -> API Keys
  • NODE_ENV - Set to "production" to hide debug and informational log messages


By default, features are cached in memory in GrowthBook Proxy; you may provide your own cache service via Redis or Mongo. To fully utilize the GrowthBook Proxy, we highly recommend using Redis, which is a prerequisite for real-time updates when your proxy is horizontally scaled (as proxy instances are kept in-sync using Redis pub/sub).

  • CACHE_ENGINE - One of: memory, redis, or mongo (default: memory)
  • CACHE_CONNECTION_URL - The URL of your Redis or Mongo Database
  • CACHE_STALE_TTL - Number of seconds until a cache entry is considered stale (default: 60 = 1 minute)
  • CACHE_EXPIRES_TTL - Number of seconds until a cache entry is expired (default: 600 = 10 minutes)

Redis Cluster

Redis-specific options for cluster mode:
(Note that CACHE_CONNECTION_URL is ignored when using cluster mode)

  • USE_CLUSTER - "true" or "1" to enable (default: false)
  • CLUSTER_ROOT_NODES_JSON - JSON array of ClusterNode objects (ioredis)
  • CLUSTER_OPTIONS_JSON - JSON object of ClusterOptions (ioredis)


Mongo-specific options:

  • CACHE_DATABASE_NAME - Mongo database name (default: proxy)
  • CACHE_COLLECTION_NAME - Mongo collection name (default: cache)

Horizontally scaling

For horizontally scaled GrowthBook Proxy clusters, we provide a basic mechanism for keeping your proxy instances in sync, which uses Redis Pub/Sub. To use this feature, you must use Redis as your cache engine and set the following option:

  • PUBLISH_PAYLOAD_TO_CHANNEL (Redis) - "true" or "1" to enable (default: false)

SSL termination & HTTP2

Although we recommend terminating SSL using your load balancer, you can also configure the GrowthBook Proxy to handle SSL termination directly. It supports HTTP/2 by default, which is required for high performance streaming.

  • USE_HTTP2 - "true" or "1" to enable (default: false)
  • HTTPS_CERT - The SSL certificate
  • HTTPS_KEY - The SSL key

If the GrowthBook app your proxy is connecting to is using a self-signed certificate, you can disable certificate verification by setting NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED to "0".

Other common configuration options


  • ENABLE_EVENT_STREAM - "true" or "1" to enable streaming (default: true)
  • EVENT_STREAM_MAX_DURATION_MS - The maximum duration of a SSE connection before the client is forced to reconnect (default: 60000 = 1 minute)
  • EVENT_STREAM_PING_INTERVAL_MS - The interval between SSE "ping" messages sent to the client (default: 30000 = 30 seconds)

Remote Evaluation

  • ENABLE_REMOTE_EVAL - "true" or "1" to enable remote evaluation (default: true)
  • ENABLE_STICKY_BUCKETING - "true" or "1" to enable sticky bucketing for remote evaluation. Requires a Redis connection (default: false)
    • STICKY_BUCKET_ENGINE - One of: redis, none (only Redis is supported) (default: none)
    • STICKY_BUCKET_CONNECTION_URL - The URL of your Redis Database
    • STICKY_BUCKET_USE_CLUSTER - "true" or "1" to enable Redis cluster mode (default: false)
    • STICKY_BUCKET_CLUSTER_ROOT_NODES_JSON - JSON array of ClusterNode objects (ioredis)
    • STICKY_BUCKET_CLUSTER_OPTIONS_JSON - JSON object of ClusterOptions (ioredis)


  • MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE - The maximum size of a request body (default: "2mb")
  • VERBOSE_DEBUGGING - "true" or "1" to enable verbose debugging (default: false)
  • CONNECTION_POLLING_FREQUENCY - How frequently to refresh SDK connections (default: 60000 = 1 minute)
  • MULTI_ORG - "true" or "1" to enable multi-organization support (requires a compatible access token) (default: false)