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Dagger serverless package

A dagger package aiming to help you deploy serverless applications with ease.

:closed_book: Description

This package is a superset of AWS SAM, which allows you to build and deploy Lambda function(s).
Furthermore, you can also configure events or Gateway and even extend the actual package to match your needs.

The aim is to integrate the lambda deployment to your current dagger pipeline. This way, you can build, configure and deploy with a single dagger environment.

:hammer_and_pick: Installation

You can install the latest release with

dagger mod get github.com/grouville/dagger-serverless/serverless

:beginner: Quickstart

You can discover examples in the examples folders, or you can follow the tutorial to learn step by step how to deploy a serverless function with dagger from scratch.

:zap: Features


serverless workflow


Event Description
API Http endpoint
SQS Simple queue

Secrets management

The serverless package has aws secret integration.

:bulb: Examples


To simplify the management of your lambdas' dependencies, it's now possible to use layers.

:bulb: Examples


  • Custom domain integration for API
  • Others events
  • ALB integration

:handshake: Contributing

If you have a specific need, don't hesitate to write an issue or create a pull request on our repository! :rocket:

See the workflow below to contribute.


  • Fork the repository
  • Clone this repository : git clone [email protected]:grouville/dagger-serverless.git
  • Add your fork to the remote : git remote add <fork name> [email protected]:<your github name>/dagger-serverless.git
  • Create a branch : git checkout -b <my cool branch name>
  • Commit your change git commit -S -m "Add a new cool feature..."
  • Push your work git push <fork name> <my cool branch name>
  • Open a Pull Request

:bulb: Check that post to learn how write good commit message

:superhero_man: Maintainers