nexus-repository-dart copied to clipboard
Dart format repository for Nexus Repository Manager

Nexus plugin to configure Dart repositories
Table Of Contents
- Features
- Requirements
- Tools required
- Build the plugin
Installing the plugin
- Pre-built bundle
- Bundle built locally
- Configuration
- Usage
- Team
- Getting help
- [x] Dart Proxy repository
- Nexus Repository Manager up to 3.31.0-01
This plugin has been tested on the version 3.31.0-01 and 3.31.1-01 but it may works with others versions.
Compatibility Matrix
Plugin version | Nexus repository version |
v1.0.0 | < 3.38 |
v1.0.1 | < 3.38 |
v1.1.0 | >= 3.38 |
There is goods informations about developing bundle for Nexus 3 at Bundle Development
Tools required
Build the plugin
- Clone the project with git clone ...
- Build the plugin with
cd nexus-repository-dart
mvn clean install -PbuildKar
Installing the plugin
Pre-built bundle
The pre-built bundle are directly available in the assets of releases on Github with name nexus-repository-dart-<version>-bundle.kar
Bundle built locally
The package built like described in Developing section should be available in <cloned_repo>/target/
with name nexus-repository-dart-<version>-bundle.kar
To install the nexus-repository-dart:
- Stop Nexus
- Copy the bundle (*.kar file) into the directory
- Start Nexus
Go to the configuration of Nexus (admin rights) -> Repositories
Click on "Create repository" and select "dart (proxy)"
Complete the informations like others Proxy repositories. By default, the remote storage for Dart is "".
To use Nexus Dart Proxy repository, it must be set as an environment variable.
- Windows command line :
set PUB_HOSTED_URL=http://[nexus_url]/repository/[repository_name]/
set FLUTTER_STORAGE_BASE_URL=http://[nexus_url]/repository/[repository_name]/
- Linux or MacOs :
export PUB_HOSTED_URL=http://[nexus_url]/repository/[repository_name]/
export FLUTTER_STORAGE_BASE_URL=http://[nexus_url]/repository/[repository_name]/
With Flutter it is possible to verify the configuration with the command flutter doctor -v
Example of result :
C:\WORKSPACES\dart_test\dart_test_project>flutter doctor -v
[✓] Flutter (Channel stable, 2.2.3, on Microsoft Windows [version 10.0.19042.630], locale fr-FR)
• Flutter version 2.2.3 at C:\Softs\flutter
• Framework revision f4abaa0735 (3 weeks ago), 2021-07-01 12:46:11 -0700
• Engine revision 241c87ad80
• Dart version 2.13.4
• Pub download mirror http://localhost:8081/repository/dartlang/
• Flutter download mirror http://localhost:8081/repository/dartlang/
Now, the downloads of Dart packages will works with the Nexus Dart Proxy repository.
"flutter updtate" command is not working when nexus repository dart is setted. It can break your installation and need a complete reinstall of flutter on your computer.
To avoid this, environment variables PUB_HOSTED_URL
must be unset before launching "flutter update".
Product Owner: Cloudehard
Developer: mat1e
Getting help
Looking to contribute to our code but need some help? There's a few ways to get information:
- Check out the Nexus3 tag on Stack Overflow
- Check out the Nexus Repository User List
- Open an issue on this repository