GroupButler copied to clipboard
This bot can help you in managing your group with rules, anti-flood, description, custom triggers, and much more!
Members of the group should only be able to call their respective commands and then it must be removed from the actual chat so other members don't keep clicking on...
1 - Sending a photo with a ** link in the caption or forwarding a photo from a channel result in a double warn, if ** links or messages from...
I run a group where a condition of membership is to say something at least once every six months. It would be great if this bot kept track of the...
I think problem is here, in the last raw with 'goodbye': ``` ['settings'] = { ['Welcome'] = 'off', ['Extra'] = 'on', --['Flood'] = 'off', ['Silent'] = 'off', ['Rules'] = 'off',...