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Flexible and production-ready Mustache templates for MacOS Cocoa and iOS
GRMustache is a Mustache template engine written in Objective-C, for both MacOS Cocoa and iOS.
It ships with built-in goodies and extensibility hooks that let you avoid the strict minimalism of the genuine Mustache language when you need it.
April 22, 2015: GRMustache 7.3.2 is out. Release notes
Get release announcements and usage tips: follow @GRMustache on Twitter.
System requirements
GRMustache targets iOS down to version 4.3, MacOS down to 10.6 Snow Leopard (without garbage collection), and only depends on the Foundation framework.
Swift developers: You can use GRMustache from Swift, with a limitation: you can only render Objective-C objects. Instead, consider using GRMustache.swift, a pure Swift implementation of GRMustache.
How To
1. Setup your Xcode project
You have three options, from the simplest to the hairiest:
- CocoaPods
- Static Library
- Compile the raw sources
2. Start rendering templates
#import "GRMustache.h"
// Renders "Hello Arthur!"
NSString *rendering = [GRMustacheTemplate renderObject:@{ @"name": @"Arthur" } fromString:@"Hello {{name}}!" error:NULL];
// Renders the `Profile.mustache` resource of the main bundle
NSString *rendering = [GRMustacheTemplate renderObject:user fromResource:@"Profile" bundle:nil error:NULL];
Reuse templates in order to avoid parsing the same template several times:
GRMustacheTemplate *template = [GRMustacheTemplate templateFromResource:@"Profile" bundle:nil error:nil];
rendering = [template renderObject:arthur error:NULL];
rendering = [template renderObject:barbara error:NULL];
rendering = ...
If you don't know Mustache, start here:
- Guides: a guided tour of GRMustache
- Reference: all classes & protocols
- Troubleshooting
Released under the MIT License.
Other Nifty Libraries
- groue/GRMustache.swift: Flexible Mustache templates for Swift 1.2 and 2.
- groue/GRDB.swift: SQLite toolkit for Swift 2.
- groue/GRValidation: Validation toolkit for Swift 2.