Victor Vrantchan

Results 116 comments of Victor Vrantchan

That sounds right. the configuration structure is a placeholder. I don't have a use for this myself, but I'll happily accept a pull request to get it implemented. Reading...

Nice find! We can set the timeouts ourselves. Solution one is to modify the `http.Client` returned by bufford's helper and set the timeout values. Solution two would be to...

> A blank http.Client seems like something to bump to the upstream project as at least a concern. Seems like they'd want most of the default values (as would anybody)...

PRs accepted and all, but the `mdmcert` workflow does not require you to deal with the keychain in order to get a CSR/ cert

One of the core things @jessepeterson and I have been talking a while is keeping MicroMDM small, and exposing the required APIs for you to build the workflow you want....

How can I reproduce the bug?

Did it ever work? You made the last commit on the file by adding the flag, so I'm not sure I understand what part of this is a regression. Looking...

I have a slightly antagonizing proposal here. 1) remove(disable) the ability for the core server to serve enrollment profiles 2) build a smarter server that just is capable of doing...

You'll want the merge target to be `main`, not acc_wwdc20. I can help with getting this merged and resolving the errors.

First, you'll want to re-generate the protobuf code from your changes. To do that: - Follow the instructions [here]( You'll want to make sure the `protoc-gen-gofast` binary is in your...