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HPE Design System
Research & decide on the best outcomes for the current files located in the public library: Grid, Navigation, Box & Page Layouts. Grid: Contains outdated grid styles - fix or...
This ticket is a follow up from the Process Workshop. ### Problem it's trying to solve: HMW help the team have visibility on blocked issues and its reasons? **Examples for...
### What does this request relate to? Theming, component, guidelines ### Describe the feature you'd like to request. In keeping with the theme, guidelines and component for the common header...
Who is requesting this? (add contact details here) Follow on from [Inline help popup / Enhanced tooltip #3780](https://github.com/grommet/hpe-design-system/issues/3780) What is the problem this ask is trying to solve? Deliver guidance...
As highlighted by George in the[ linked comment.](https://www.figma.com/file/xmkt0nMFcxdbKDg9a6FUhN?type=design&node-id=602-15237&mode=design#764125879) The figma page header component display different behaviour then its coded grommet counterpart. The css grid rules for the "subtitle" div contain...
The [previous card component has been deprecated ](https://www.figma.com/file/je5AYzMavRt1cG7rmw8j1W/HPE-Card-Component?type=design&node-id=2835-11195&mode=design&t=17vCxsdpts6oQiVN-4)and not replaced by a suitable figma component The primary focus is on defining & creating a container that is opinionated about. -...
#### Refactor the existing accordion component. The existing component is in such a state that it will be deprecated so there is no need to build out form the existing...
Create draft PR for "Selector" component. [Code prototype](https://codepen.io/Lucas-Speyer/pen/abxERwJ?editors=1100) Component building checklist: [Grommet Component building checklist.docx](https://hpe.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/teams/hpe-design/Shared%20Documents/Grommet/Grommet%20Dev/Grommet%20Component%20building%20checklist.docx?d=w4dc48049d19148f98de88946fed54955&csf=1&web=1&e=wf9gcY) ### General **What is the purpose of this component?** This component aims to streamline the...
Standardise how we are implementing slot components. Create a component variant set that can be used in other designs for - How a slot appears - Language - Links to...
- [ ] Create Page for toggleGroup - [ ] Add guidance - [ ] Add Examples