Anyone knows this makes a difference between a "kepub" or "epub"? Anyone has some more information on what might have changed in the Firmware? Or that it is (hidden) folder...
I did a small test. I uploaded the same book, as KEPUB (file extension: .kepub.epub) and as EPUB (file extension .epub) through KoboCloud. It displays the cover correctly in the...
For me it works to disable wifi and to turn it back on.
And when using a valid IP, it might be needed to add "http://" in front of it.
@fsantini Is this issue still there? What was the issue with the file size check? Because @VPeeters suggested filesize as a solution to resolve copies of the same books from...
@korry73 It would help if you could supply a (permanent at best) shared folder with one file in it: ulysses.epub (download it for example from here: ). That would...
@fsantini I can help out on nextcloud as well. I already had to make a small fix, because my nextcloud is in a subdir on . Which failed in...
Thanks! I will create a merge request the coming days. I also responded om some outstanding tickets to help out. Let's see how that goes.
Sounds good! I will try to setup 2 test Nextcloud versions to test and (or owncloud for that matter). I will add those to and create another...
@golflabel For Nextcloud/Owncloud @VPeeters is working on subfolder support, which is almost there!