PdfSharpCore copied to clipboard
PdfSharp port NetCore
PdfSharp.Xamarin.Forms is a Xamarin.Forms library for converting any Xamarin.Forms UI into PDF. It uses PdfSharp, which is a partial port of PdfSharpCore.
Supported Platforms
- Android
- iOS
Screenshots (see all)
- Init : For each platform you need to init seperately:
- Generate :
var pdf = PDFManager.GeneratePDFFromView(yourView)
- Save :
DependencyService.Get<IPdfSave>().Save(pdf, "pdfName.pdf")
- Custom Fonts (You should provide Font Types and font files via
)- Image rendering
- Custom renderer ( You can write your own renderer for your customView)
- Paper size & orientation support
- Do not render option : by using
you can ignore that view in PDF
- Images renders only Jpeg format (It converts PNG to JPEG automatically)
- ListView does not renders automatically. You should write a renderer.
ListView Rendering
- Due ListView Cell is not accesible from parent, you should implement a
for theListView
<ContentPage xmlns:pdf="clr-namespace:PdfSharp.Xamarin.Forms;assembly=PdfSharp.Xamarin.Forms">
<ListView pdf:ListRendererDelegate="{StaticResource YourRendererDelegate}" .../>
public class PDFSampleListRendererDelegate: PdfListViewRendererDelegate
public override void DrawCell(ListView listView, int section, int row, XGraphics page, XRect bounds, double scaleFactor)
base.DrawCell(listView, section, row, page, bounds, scaleFactor);
public override void DrawFooter(ListView listView, int section, XGraphics page, XRect bounds, double scaleFactor)
base.DrawFooter(listView, section, page, bounds, scaleFactor);
public override double GetFooterHeight(ListView listView, int section)
return base.GetFooterHeight(listView, section);
Custom PDF Renderer
Its possible to write your own renderer, it will use it while renderering your View.
Register : PDFManager.RegisterRenderer(typeof(Label), typeof(PDFCustomLabelRenderer))
public class PDFCustomLabelRenderer : PdfRendererBase<Label>
public override void CreatePDFLayout(XGraphics page, Label label, XRect bounds, double scaleFactor)
XFont font = new XFont(label.FontFamily ?? GlobalFontSettings.FontResolver.DefaultFontName, label.FontSize * scaleFactor);
Color textColor = label.TextColor != default(Color) ? label.TextColor : Color.Black;
if (label.BackgroundColor != default(Color))
page.DrawRectangle(label.BackgroundColor.ToXBrush(), bounds);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(label.Text))
page.DrawString(label.Text, font, textColor.ToXBrush(), bounds,
new XStringFormat()
Alignment = label.HorizontalTextAlignment.ToXStringAlignment(),
LineAlignment = label.VerticalTextAlignment.ToXLineAlignment(),