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Packing a server doesn't seem to work on Windows 11
When trying to pack a server on win 11 22H2, I get the following exception:
Can't pack server:
Not allowed
After checking the logs I'm not much wiser:
11:05:41.330: • [PackServerDialog:219] PackCommand(): Can’t pack server:
System.Exception: Not allowed
at AcTools.AcdFile.Acd.CompatibilityCheck(String filename)
at AcTools.AcdFile.Acd.Save(String filename)
at AcManager.Pages.Dialogs.PackServerDialog.<EnsurePacked>d__5.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at AcManager.Pages.Dialogs.PackServerDialog.ViewModel.<<get_PackCommand>b__38_0>d.MoveNext()
I don't get other errors and pressin Run on content manager for the server still works, it just can't seem to export. Tried running as admin, picking a number of different folders as destination (same drive, other drive, user folder, system folder), changing the filename, changing the extension, ticking add executable, unticking add executable, none worked.
Do you have folder protection enabled?
Do you have folder protection enabled?
If you mean the defender controlled folder access thing, nah that's never been enabled.
Oh yeah, one other thing is that saving anything else with CM works perfectly well - e.g. config files, presets, cars, mods, tracks, basically everything except this.
it seems like this is related to car models. once i have removed all cars from the list of the server, it packed correctly. i'll need to debug further to tell what's causing it.