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Clarify how `zstyle -T ':grml:chpwd:dirstack'` is supposed to be set

Open nh2 opened this issue 2 years ago • 1 comments

For most zstyles, I can set them any time and then they apply.

But in, the if zstyle -T ':grml:chpwd:dirstack' enable is on the top-level of .zshrc, so it will only be read once at the time of .zshrc evaluation:

I believe this means that it must be done in .zshrc.pre; later invocations setting that zstyle will have no effect at all.

Is this correct?

If yes, could it be changed such that zstyle ':grml:chpwd:dirstack' enable false works also in the user's normal .zshrc.local?

If not, it might make sense to extend the explanation in to explain this restriction.

nh2 avatar Feb 11 '22 13:02 nh2

Good point, thanks for raising this, @nh2.

Yes, zstyle ':grml:chpwd:dirstack' ... is indeed supposed to take place in .zshrc.pre and that's what I'm also using as such.

@ft any further ideas/information from your side? :)

mika avatar Feb 11 '22 16:02 mika