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Useful tensorrt plugin. For pytorch and mmdetection model conversion.

Results 15 amirstan_plugin issues
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This is my cmake build. ### my environment cuda 11.1 / tensorrt / python3.8 / pycharm community (development tool) ### my bashrc is this `export QT_QPA_PLATFORM_PLUGIN_PATH=/home/User/PycharmProjects/newtst/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/cv2/qt/plugins export GOPATH=$HOME/go export...

batchedNMSPlugin/kernel.h line 32 std::max->std::fmax; batchedNMSPlugin batchedNMSInference.cpp and batchedNMSPlugin.h nmsInference is not the same; torchCumPlugin torchCumPlugin.cpp line 58 or->||; cmakeslist 1. find_package(CUDA REQUIRED) changed to set(CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P 8) FIND_PACKAGE(CUDA REQUIRED); 2. add...

Hi, I'm trying to use torch2trt_dynamic to convert model from pytorch to tensorrt and get the error that number of channels in input tensor to a convolution layer must not...

Hi, is it any possible to make this awesome lib to support windows?

When I make this, I get this error. I use cuda 10.2, cudnn 7.6.5, tensorrt ``` -- Found TensorRT headers at /root/TensorRT- -- Find TensorRT libs at /root/TensorRT-;/root/TensorRT-;/root/TensorRT- --...

when i install amirstan_plugin and use the command 'cmake -DTENSORRT_DIR=/root/downloads/TensorRT- ..',error occurs: -- The C compiler identification is GNU 7.5.0 -- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 7.5.0 -- Check...

Thank you for your contribution. I have generated an engine file, how do I use it in C++. The error is: [TRT] INVALID_ARGUMENT: getPluginCreator could not find plugin GridSamplePluginDynamic version...

Hi, this is somehow related with #14. I am trying to build an image using the [build-push action]( for Nvidia Jetson architecture (linux/arm/v8). I have a very simple dockerfile: ```docker...

hi, I follow your suggestion to build this firstly, but I got the below errors, would you please help me? maybe the gcc version or something is not correct. thanks...