Greg Miller
Greg Miller
How is missing data handled in the EIA-930 data cleaning/reconciliation process? Whenever there is missing data in EIA-930, it appears that a value of 1.0 is getting assigned to those...
On my machine, when running the physics-based data cleaning for the EIA-930 data, the step "Running BaDataCvxCleaner for 13223 rows" takes over an hour and 40 minutes to solve (running...
The combustion of biomass releases greenhouse gases and other air pollutants into the atmosphere. However, the EPA's eGRID database includes a legacy calculation of biomass-adjusted emissions values. As they explain...
A handful of units that report to CEMS only report NOx emissions data, but report zero data for gross load, fuel consumption, and other pollutants. As of, we now...
For its table of boiler type-specific NOx emissions factors, eGRID uses this table from EIA for emissions factors: However, where there is not a specific NOx emission factor in...
We assume that measured and reported NOx emissions in CEMS represent controlled NOx emissions (rather than uncontrolled) - that is, NOx emissions after emissions control equipment has been used. In...
Currently, we fill missing CO2 emissions data in CEMS, which we identify as data that is missing, or is reported as zero when fuel consumption is non-zero. However, we do...
Plant 7063 is a compressed air energy storage project that operates on natural gas turbines. Because the prime mover is listed as `CE` for compressed air storage, there is not...
Currently, when allocating `fuel_consumed_mmbtu` and `fuel_consumed_for_electricity_mmbtu` from the EIA-923 Generation and Fuel table to individual generators using the `pudl.analysis.allocate_net_gen` module, we allocate both using the same fraction. However, in reviewing...
When calculating consumed emissions for BAs that import electricity from foreign balancing authorities in Canada or Mexico, we need to know the interchange volume with the foreign BA and the...