Greg Miller
Greg Miller
So now that I've merged in the updated `allocate_fuel` branch, I'm getting the following error when I try and update the `pudl-dev` environment: ``` Installing pip dependencies: / Ran pip...
So I tried resetting my local repo to the previous commit and creating the pudl-dev environment, but now I am still getting the same error as above. It seems to...
Ok so the result of all of this is that I now have a working `pudl-dev` environment, but I am unable to run `tox` locally due to an issue with...
Strange - previously that doctest was failing because the dtype was not specified, and now it's failing because the dtype is specified! I'm wondering if for some reason the doctest...
So when I run pytest, I get the following errors: ``` FAILED test/integration/[gens_eia860-frc_eia923-12.0-kwargs7] - requests.exceptions.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0) FAILED test/integration/[gens_eia860-gen_fuel_by_generator_eia923-1.0-kwargs9] - AssertionError: Expected ratio of...
I did specify an `API_KEY_EIA` per the instructions [here]( (as a side note, these instructions specify putting single quotes around the API key, but that did not work for me...
Also, regarding the function that manually updates the fuel code of a single generator (and related to, I'm wondering if a better solution would be to remove `manually_fix_energy_source_codes()` from...
In the 2020 data, I've only noticed this for a single plant/fuel combo (so 12 records?) in the `gf_eia923` table. This really only seems to be an issue with OTH...
At least in 2020, there is about 16 million mmbtu of fuel that is assigned an OTH fuel code from 11 different plants. In the grand scheme of all plants...
When I was double-checking this code, I realized that after loading the `bf_eia923 table` I am dropping the `boiler_id` column so the allocation currently doesn't take the boiler-generator association into...