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"Meta Front End Developer Professional Certificate" - Solutions to all assignments and graded quiz.
Meta Front-End Developer Professional Certificate
Course 1 : Introduction to Front-End Development
Week 1
- Quiz - How the web works
- Quiz - Examine the page
- Module Quiz: Get started with Web Development
Week 2
- Quiz - Getting Started with HTML
- Quiz - CSS Basics
- Module Quiz - Introduction to HTML and CSS
- Programming Assignment - Creating a HTML Document
- Programming Assignment - Styling a Page
- Programming Assignment - Create and Style a Webpage
Week 3
- Quiz - Working with Bootstrap Grid
- Quiz - Working with Bootstrap Components
- Lab - Working with Bootstrap Grid
Week 4
- Quiz - Improve Webpage Using Bootstrap
- Lab - Improve Webpage Using Bootstrap
- Assignment - Introduction to Web Development
Certificate of Completion
Course 2 : Programming With Javascript
Week 1
- Quiz - Welcome to Programming
- Quiz - Introduction to Javascript
Week 2
- Quiz - Arrays, Objects and Functions
- Quiz - Error Handling
Week 3
- Programming Assignment - Functional Programming
- Programming Assignment - Building an Object Oriented Program
- Programming Assignment - Array and Object Iteration
- Quiz - Introduction to Functional Programming
- Quiz - Programming Paradigms
Week 4
- Programming Assignment - Writing a Unit Test
- Quiz - Testing
Week 5
- Programming Assignment
- End Of Course Quiz
Certificate of Completion
Course 3 : Version Control
Week 1
- Practice Quiz - Introduction to Version Control
- Module Quiz - Software Collaboration
Week 2
- Practice Quiz - Unix Commands
- Module Quiz - Command Line
Week 3
- Module Quiz - Working With Git
Week 4
- End Of Course Graded Assignment
Certificate of Completion
Course 4 : HTML and CSS in Depth
Week 1
- Practice Quiz - Metadata
- Practice Quiz - Open Graph Protocol
- Practice Quiz - Semantic and Meta tags
- Practice Quiz - Declaring Form Elements
- Practice Quiz - Form Submission
- Practice Quiz - User Inputs and Forms
- Practice Quiz - Media Elements
- Lab - Create and Test a Form
- Lab - Create a Complex Form
- Lab - Rate the Media
- Module Quiz - HTML Deepdive
Week 2
- Practice Quiz - Creating Layouts
- Practice Quiz - CSS Selectors
- Practice Quiz - CSS Effects
- Practice Quiz - Debugging
- Module Quiz - Interactive CSS
Week 3
- Portfolio Project
Certificate of Completion
Course 5 : React Basics
Week 1
- Lab - Your First Component
- Lab - Creating and Importing Components
- Lab - Passing Props
- Module Quiz
Week 2
- Lab - Dynamic Events
- Module Quiz
Week 3
- Module Quiz
Week 4
- Graded Assignment - Calculator App
Certificate Of Completion
Course 6 : Advanced React
Week 1
- Lab - Create a Basic List Component
- Lab - Create a Registration Form
- Lab - Create a Light Dark Theme Switcher
- Module Quiz - Components
Week 2
- Lab - Managing States Within a Component
- Lab - Creating Your own Custom Hook
- Module Quiz - React Hooks and Custom Hooks
Week 3
- Lab - Build a Radio Group Component
- Lab - Writing More Tests
- Module Quiz - JSX and Testing
Week 4
- Final Graded Quiz
- Portfolio Project