angular-local-storage copied to clipboard
Using bind with controllers that use controllerAs syntax
Not sure what to send in as scope when using controllers that are set up with controllerAs syntax (that is with all properties etc on "this"). Any pointers?
Hello y'all!! That's another practical example done with a localstorage implementation done "the right way" for angular. Exactly with the binding you are talking about but done properly. Here a working example with a "Cart" and "Product" controllers and a CartService for holding the data. Within the controller would be all right as well. Give it a try... It even synchronizes between open tabs.
My solution: Given a { model: { id: 1, name: 'foo' } }
angular.controller('StoreSearchController', function($scope, localStorageService) {
var vm = this;
var localStorageKey = 'store';
vm.model = localStorageService.get(localStorageKey) || {};
localStorageService.bind($scope, 'vm', vm.model, localStorageKey);
$scope.$watchCollection(function () {
return vm.model;
}, function(model) {
// Bind the view model's value to the $scope,
// so the storage service can catch it.
$scope.vm = model;
Tested on version 0.2.0