Roger Herikstad
Roger Herikstad
I got a simple 3D scatter plot with interaction to work on the latest Pluto version.
OK, here it goes. ```julia ### A Pluto.jl notebook ### # v0.11.1 using Markdown using InteractiveUtils # ╔═╡ a871f600-d244-11ea-0dc6-356a2449b02e let using WGLMakie using AbstractPlotting using MakieLayout using Random using LinearAlgebra...
I wouldn't mind taking a stab at this myself. I was wondering if there is currently a way to manually position the axes?
Thanks for the comments I think QuartileBoxes might be a better name, I guess I used Boxplot since that's what Matlab and Matplotlib calls these kinds of plots. I actually...
Not sure if this is still a problem, but upgrading to the latest anaconda version finally allowed me to use PyPlot.
I just hit this error as well.
I'm close to having something that sort of works here: Once I have something a bit more polished perhaps we can discuss whether to include the functionality in JLD2...
Hey, I'm so sorry, I sort of got distracted with other projects. Regarding the tests, I was trying to figure out how best to structure them. I gather there aren't...
I'm trying to find the gradient of a kernel based on KernelFunctions. The kernel works on pairs of vectors where the lengths can be different. When I try to take...
This is not at all important, but I'm curious; what is the intended result of running `sum(x;dims=1)` when `x` is a `Vector{Vector{Float64}}` where the inner vectors are of different length?