Hi, I have been playing around with and came across Eliot. Looks like a great project you have going. I must be missing something obvious, from reading through the...
In the binaryutil.cs WriteDateTime method there is a line converting any date to universal time. This means when I serialize an object with a date then deserialize it the objects...
If you have an object that is [ZeroFormattable] and it has a child List of an object that is also [ZeroFormattable] the deserializer does not work. Looks like zero formatter...
I have a cache class where a method takes a parameter of type object, (note I can not change the parameter to be a generic type). I found a strange...
Hi, been trying to get the script to work. I created the rbac role, assigned a user at the subscription level. Then I went into security centre and tried to...
I have the latest code from the repo and tried to start the MQTTnet.AspTestApp project to test websockets. I had to add a handler to the program.cs as ServiceCollectionExtensions.AddHostedMqttServer crashes...
Hi, interested it using the lib to write a c# client via swig. Can you give a quick guide on building on windows ?
Hi, in a perfect world I want to subscribe to a record that does not exist, and have a data provider listening and go and create the record, (ie I...
Hi, noticed the response queues property. Just wondering how do you use them. The scenario I want to solve is a client publishes a message, a worker wakes up processes...
Hi, I am after an event when a whole record is changed from deepstream. The PropertyChanged is a bit to granular for my need as I only want one event...