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Patches for VoIPER http://sourceforge.net/projects/voiper/ to better support client fuzzing
VoIPER - A VoIP Exploit Research toolkit http://www.unprotectedhex.com http://voiper.sourceforge.net
Author : nnp Contact : [email protected] irc.smashthestack.org #social License : GPLv2
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Introduction.
VoIPER is a security toolkit that aims to allow developers and security researchers to easily, extensively and automatically test VoIP devices for security vulnerabilties. It incorporates a fuzzing suite built on the Sulley fuzzing framework, a SIP torturer tool based on RFC 4475 and a variety of auxilliary modules to assist in crash detection and debugging. The primary goal of VoIPER is to create a toolkit with all required testing functionality built in and to minimise the amount of effort an auditor has to put into testing the security of a VoIP code base.
This is a beta release and has not been tested as extensively as I would like. That said, it includes a number of new and useful fuzzers as well as a new SIP backend that greatly increases protocol compliance and the ability to traverse the state tree of different request types. It also means that protocol based crash detection is much more reliable than before. Certain clients are quite odd in how they respond to fuzzing though (Ekiga for example) and as a result process based crash detection is still recommended where possible to avoid false positives.
In this release fuzzers were added for REGISTER, NOTIFY and SUBSCRIBE as well as new fuzzers for CANCEL and ACK that aim to get the device into a state where it is expecting a CANCEL or ACK before fuzzing it.
For the moment the fuzzer incorporates tests for
- SIP INVITE (3 different test suites)
- SIP ACK (Dumb and 'smart' versions)
- SIP CANCEL (Dumb and 'smart' versions)
- SIP request structure
- SDP over SIP
This translates to well over 200,000 generated tests covering all SIP attributes specified in RFC 3261 for the given messages.
It includes other features such as
- Protocol and process based crash detection and recording
- Fuzzer pause/restart functionality (SFF)
- Supports clients that require registration prior to fuzzing
- Simple to expand to new protocols
- As far as possible, protocol compliance
- Target process control (SFF)
SFF : Provided as part of the Sulley Fuzzing Framework, in some cases with my modifications and fixes
Other features of the toolkit are
- torturer.py - A tool that uses torture tests defined in rfc4475 (~50) to test SIP applications
- crash_replay.py - A tool to replay the crash log files from fuzzer.py and torturer.py
VoIPER has been tested on Linux, OS X and Windows using Python 2.4/5. Check the BUGS.txt file for some changes that have to be made for full functionality on OS X. The tool sulley/utils/crashbin_explorer.py that is part of the Sulley fuzzing framework requires ctypes and Python 2.4.
Comments, criticism, patches, bug reports etc etc are all more than welcome. If you use the toolkit to discover bugs or use parts of it in a different tool it would be nice if you could credit it (obviously the license implications have something to say about this too). If you don't want to do that then if you could notify me, at least I'll know the toolkit is proving useful ;)
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Usage (See USAGE.txt for examples)
The following are modifications I've made to Sulley for one reason or another.
- Moved the closing of the socket used to send the fuzz data in the fuzz() method to a seperate function in sulley/sessions.py. This is to allow me to override this function with my own methods that close the socket at a later time.
- Changed the generation of strings in sulley/sulley/primitives.py so that the fuzz strings are only generated once. This has a massive performance impact in Sulley if more than 10 or so s_string() definitions are used
- Added new fuzz strings to include SIP related delimiters
- Added new fuzz strings to attempt to avoid primitive overflow detection
- Added a 'sent_data' attribute to the request class. This is needed because INVITE messages are modified by a callback method in a non-deterministic fashion and these modifications need to be accessible by the methods that cancel the INVITE's
- Added an ascii format IP address (IPv4 and IPv6) lego (basically a structure for generating fuzzable IP's)
- Added a variety of SIP specific legos
- Added code in the poll_pedrpc function of sulley/sessions.py to log the sent fuzz data when a crash is detected using one of the process monitoring scripts
- Added the ability to convert fuzzable ints to their hex equivalents. Only applicable when format="ascii". e.g if the int was 65535 and hex_vals=True the rendered value will be FFFF
- Added some extra fuzz strings. Long strings interspersed with delimters
- Moved process_monitor.py to win_process_monitor.py
- Added nix_process_monitor.py
- In sessions.py I moved the check on the restart interval inside the loop that checks if the required number of tests have been skipped. Otherwise when the fuzzer is skipping over tests it will restart the target every time it hits the restart interval
- Changed how process_monitor.py starts a process to use os.startfile(). This is nicer in my opinion as you don't have to deal with escaping spaces etc
- Changed the stop_target method in process_monitor.py to use the terminate_process method provided by pydbg instead of 'taskkill'. taskkill doesn't work against certain programs for some reason. e.g Gizmo. This could have adverse effects I'm not aware of.
- Added an updateProgressBar method to sessions.py that will be overriden by the GUI to receive notifications when another fuzz case is sent
- Added an update_GUI_crashes method to sessions.py that will be overriden by the GUI to receive notifications when a crash occurs
- Changed the transmit function in sulley/sulley/sessions.py to differentiate between crashes that are a result of access violations and those that aren't.
- Changed win_process_monitor.py to return a textual cause of the crash as well as the status of the target
- Changed win_process_monitor.py so that the time given to a restarted process to settle in can be specified by the user
- Changed sulley/sulley/primitives.py so that you can specify the maximum lenght of fuzz strings to use