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Example program for tap driver VPN
simpletun, a (too) simple tunnelling program.
To compile the program, just do
$ gcc simpletun.c -o simpletun
If you have GNU make, you can also exploit implicit targets and do
$ make simpletun
simpletun -i
Refer to for more information on tun/tap interfaces in Linux in general, and on this program in particular. The program must be run at one end as a server, and as client at the other end. The tun/tap interface must already exist, be up and configured with an IP address, and owned by the user who runs simpletun. That user must also have read/write permission on /dev/net/tun. (Alternatively, you can run the program as root, and configure the transient interfaces manually before starting to exchange packets. This is not recommended)
Use is straightforward. On one end just run
[server]$ ./simpletun -i tun13 -s
at the other end run
[client]$ ./simpletun -i tun0 -c
where is the remote server's IP address, and tun13 and tun0 must be replaced with the names of the actual tun interfaces used on the computers. By default it assumes a tun device is being used (use -u to be explicit), and -a can be used to tell the program that the interface is tap. By default it uses TCP port 55555, but you can change that by using -p (the value you use must match on the client and the server, of course). Use -d to add some debug information. Press ctrl-c on either side to exit (the other end will exit too).
The program is very limited, so expect to be disappointed.