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Angular Bazel Closure (ABC) Demo Build with AOT and Universal

Angular Bazel Closure (ABC) Demo Build with AOT and Universal

This is a demo. There are a number of temporary patches included to get the browser code building with closure.

  • demo is using Angular 5.0.0-rc.0

  • server code with AOT and Universal is built with bazel angular ng_module rule and bundled with a demo bazel webpack rule

  • browser code has two build options:

    1. yarn build:webpack - bazel build with angular ng_module rule and bundled with webpack rule (not minified)
    2. yarn build:closure - bazel build with angular ng_module rule and compiled and bundled using closure


  • run yarn install
  • run either yarn build:webpack or yarn build:closure (these both build the server bundle as well)
  • run yarn serve to serve the app on port 8888
  • run yarn explore:browser:closure to launch source-map-explorer on the browser closure built bundle

Some notes on configuration

  • build_bazel_rules_webpack is a demo. Code is at

  • build_bazel_rules_nodejs is set to tag 0.1.0. More recent code breaks.

  • bazel_build_rules_typescript is pulled from a fork at (tag abc-demo-build-1)

    • Patch in here to output commonjs modules for es5 build so that it works with the webpack rule
  • Closure compiler dist is pulled from a forked build at

    • This is a build of the 20170930 HEAD + PR2641 (close to what the next closure compiler release should be)
  • Angular bazel rule is pulled from node_modules/@angular/bazel (5.0.0-rc.0)

  • Using an es6_consumer rule by Alex Eagle pulled from (tag 0.0.2) to act as a consumer of the ES6 outputs from the ng_module rules so that they are generated and available for the closure compiler. In the future, the closure bazel build rule should handle this

  • For closure build, a copy of bazel-bin is made at closure-bin so a import fixes can be made

    • ng_module rule outputs the ES6 build files as *.closure.js but doesn't modify the imports to match the file names; a replace-in-files script is run to fix these imports in closure-bin before running closure

That's about it. This repo demonstrates that an Angular app with AOT/Universal can be built with Bazel and Closure. Still some work to be done so the patches are not needed and in the future the bazel build closure rule needs to work with the ng_module rule.

Brotli compressed browser bundle built with closure is 34510 bytes.