gatsby-styled-blog-starter copied to clipboard
My first GatsbyJS starter.
This project is discontinued, but hey there is a successor. Take a look at gatsby-starter-personal-blog
StyledBlog starter for Gatsby
This is a starter/theme for Gatsby.
The goal is to make a theme using Gatsby which behaves like a native app.
No webfonts
StyledBlog uses no webfonts, instead system-fonts are used. So the typography
looks a litle different on different devices. This is the whole font setting
body {
font-family: "-apple-system", "BlinkMacSystemFont", "Segoe UI", "Roboto","Oxygen", "Ubuntu", "Cantarell", "Fira Sans", "Droid Sans", "Helvetica Neue", "sans-serif";
The inspiration not to use webfonts came from But, if you need webfonts, it's easy to configure, as shown in Customization section below.
StyledBlog uses styled-components and
Three important files to notice: /src/styles/global.js
with global styles,
with color palette variables and /src/styles/theme.js
with a styled-component theme.
If you are completely new to Gatsby, start with one of its
official blog starters. If you
have already went through with the
tutorials install the starter using
gatsby new
Website data
Edit \src\utils\siteConfig.js
module.exports = {
pathPrefix: "/",
siteTitle: "Gatsby StyledBlog starter",
siteLongTitle: "Gatsby StyledBlog Theme/Starter",
siteUrl: "",
siteLanguage: "en",
siteLogo: "/logos/logo-1024.png",
siteDescription: "This is a starter/theme for GatsbyJS",
// manifest.json
manifestName: "StyledBlog Gatsby starter",
manifestShortName: "StyledBlog",
manifestStartUrl: "/",
manifestBackgroundColor: colors.first,
manifestThemeColor: colors.firstLight,
manifestDisplay: "standalone",
// Author note
authorName: "Mr. Gatsby",
authorDescription: `Proin ornare ligula eu tellus tempus elementum. Aenean bibendum iaculis mi, nec blandit lacus interdum vitae. Vestibulum non nibh risus, a scelerisque purus. `,
// texts
"This is the place for a copyrigh note - editable through config object"
Color palette
Edit the \src\styles\colors.js
file to customize the color palette.
module.exports = {
first: "#7F5D80",
firstLight: "#CFC0CF",
firstSuperLight: "#F4F0F4",
firstDark: "#563E57",
accent: "#FF6633",
bright: "#ffffff",
light: "#f3f3f3",
middle: "#666666",
dark: "#333333",
superDark: "#111111"
Edit the \src\styles\theme.js
file to customize colors of element.
const colors = require("./colors");
const theme = {
navigator: {
colors: {
title: colors.firstSuperLight,
subTitle: colors.bright,
scrollTrack: colors.first,
scrollThumb: colors.firstDark,
linkHover: colors.bright,
header: colors.firstSuperLight,
asideItemActiveBorder: colors.accent
sizes: {
asideWidth: "19em",
maxWidth: "56em"
backgrounds: {
wrapper: colors.first,
asideItemActive: colors.firstDark
post: {
colors: {
author: colors.middle,
authorBorder: colors.firstLight,
bold: colors.middle,
blockquoteFrame: colors.light,
copyright: colors.middle,
link: colors.first,
linkHover: colors.firstLight,
meta: colors.middle,
metaBorder: colors.first,
text: colors.dark,
title: colors.middle,
subTitle: colors.superDark
backgrounds: {
wrapper: colors.bright,
meta: colors.light
sizes: {
maxWidth: "50em"
bottomBar: {
colors: {
link: colors.bright,
icon: colors.firstSuperLight
backgrounds: {
wrapper: colors.first,
icon: colors.firstDark
sizes: {
height: 44 //pixels
topBar: {
colors: {
link: colors.bright,
linkPost: colors.first
backgrounds: {
wrapper: colors.firstLight,
wrapperPost: colors.bright,
icon: colors.accent
sizes: {
height: 44 //pixels
info: {
colors: {
text: colors.firstDark,
link: colors.firstDark,
linkHover: colors.first,
btn: colors.bright
backgrounds: {
wrapper: colors.firstLight,
btn: colors.accent
sizes: {
maxWidth: "40em"
mediaQueryTresholds: {
XL: "65em",
L: "49em",
M: "37em",
S: "28em",
XS: "21em"
As mentioned StyledBlog does not use webfonts. If you need them, the simplest way is to use Google Fonts is through Typography.js. But instead installing Typography.js directly use gatsby-plugin-typography.
Remember to update body { font-family: ....}
in the /src/styles/global.js
file. Also remove import "normalize.css";
from /src/layouts/index.js
, since
Typography comes with its own normalize styles.
Blog content is located in /content/posts/
directory, in markdown files.