better-unity-webgl-template copied to clipboard
2021.2 Main Scene Doesnt Load
First, thank you and great job on the loader.
Im using 2021.2. The loading screen appears, but just hangs there forever. Is there a method that needs to bee called in order to get the main scene to load after the WebGL loader has completed d/loading?
After further looking into it, when im using a new template... the build doesn't generate the folder "TemplateData".
My mistake. I was using 2019 package rather than 2020.
Hello! I also have the same issue with the WebGL template. Could you fix it? If you had, could you please share the solution with me? By the way, I am using the latest package and Unity version is 2021.3 :)
HI! I am using 2021.2 as well and I keep getting the same error:
C:\Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor\2021.2.0f1\Editor\Data\PlaybackEngines\WebGLSupport\BuildTools\Preprocess.js:67
throw "Preprocessor error "" + e + "" occured in file "" + locals.inputPath + "" when evaluating expression "" + expression + """;
Preprocessor error "ReferenceError: HIDE_FULL_SCREEN_BUTTON is not defined" occured in file "C:/Users/Fox/Unity/Expo_Enap_R6/Assets/WebGLTemplates/Better2020/index.html" when evaluating expression " HIDE_FULL_SCREEN_BUTTON "
(Use node --trace-uncaught ...
to show where the exception was thrown)
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&)
Is it fixable? I am totally noob in html :(
At the moment I'm unable to reproduce the issue.
Using with 2021.2.7f1
Using with 2021.3.6f1
Maybe try starting with a blank project like in the video and see if you still run into the issue? If not then maybe try adding in whatever other plugins/etc your using and maybe you can find the issue?