Greg Fenton

Results 38 issues of Greg Fenton

Either have a function named `timeLog` or reword the last sentence of the page to remove the use of that name.

v6.5.0 of the docs has [a section for exportDocuments()]( v6.6.0 and beyond does not. But it seems that the APIs are still in the types and the proto code? For...

priority: p2
type: bug
type: docs
api: firestore

The currently published docs on has its Examples page returning a "404" page: And, if you click on the example links in the nav sidebar, such as the...

Version 8

The API for `` does not have the `defaultActiveKey` property. Removing from this example. An alternative would be to add `...` to the example.

## I'm submitting a... - [ ] Regression - [ ] Bug report - [ ] Feature request - [x] Documentation issue or request (new chapter/page) - [ ] Support...

##### Description of change Quick Start instructions now use Vite (CRA is deprecated) and work without issues (previously was rendering black text on black background). Also modified docusaurus configuration so...

**What version of this package are you using?** v 3.22.1 **What operating system, Node.js, and npm version?** - MacOS: Ventura 13.0.1 (22A400) - node: v16.16.0 - npm: 8.11.0 **What happened?**...

This change might have the tool work with other versions as well. Simply ignoring whitespace differences when looking for the XML node to edit.

Any thoughts of upgrading `react-fonticonpicker` to the latest-n-greatest of React and all this NPM's dependencies?

See image. ![image](