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Bobun is a very light (1.1k) UI oriented Backbone library. It supports one-way and two-way bindings and sub-views.

Bobun Build Status

This plugin is no longer actively maintained, you can still use it but issues will not be resolved. If you want the npm name, you can contact me by email.

Bobun is a UI oriented Backbone library. It supports one-way and two-way bindings and sub-views.


Client side

bower install bobun

Server side

npm install bobun


append ( view )

Add a view to sub-views, render it, append it to $el and call delegateEvents.


domEventTriggerProxy ( event )

Provides a way to bind a dom event to a view event.

  events: {
    'click': 'domEventTriggerProxy'

set, get, validate

Similary to models with attributes, Bobun.View exposes options using set, get and validate.

var List = Bobun.View.extend({
  options: {
    'processing': false

  initialize: function () {
    this.on('change:processing', this.render);

  render: function () {

    if (this.get('processing'))
      this.$el.append('<i class="icon-spinner icon-spin">');

var list = new List();
list.set('processing', true);

bind, bindTo

Thanks to Bobun.Binding, it's possible to bind a view to a model or an other view.

  initialize: function () {
    // bind processing attribute to processing option
    this.bind(this.model, 'processing');

    // bind processing option to disabled button option
    this.bind(this.button, {'processing': 'disabled'});

It's possible to bind a model option using a shortcut.

  options: {
    'disabled': 'model.readonly' // bind disabled option to readonly model attribute


Bobun.Binding(modelA).bind(modelB, 'foo');

modelA.set('foo', 'bar');

modelB.get('foo') // -> return 'bar'

All methods can be called directly or wrapped (as underscore).

bind( obj, bindedObj, attributes )

Provides a two-way binding.

// simple
Bobun.Binding.bind(modelA, modelB, 'symetricAttribute');
Bobun.Binding.bind(modelA, modelB, ['firstSymetricAttribute', 'secondSymetricAttribute']);
Bobun.Binding.bind(modelA, modelB, {'modelAAttribute': 'modelBAttribute'});

// wrapped
Bobun.Binding(modelA).bind(modelB, 'symetricAttribute');

bindTo( obj, bindedObj, attributes )

Provides a one-way binding.

// simple
Bobun.Binding.bindTo(modelA, modelB, 'symetricAttribute');
Bobun.Binding.bindTo(modelA, modelB, ['firstSymetricAttribute', 'secondSymetricAttribute']);
Bobun.Binding.bindTo(modelA, modelB, {'modelAAttribute': 'modelBAttribute'});

// wrapped
Bobun.Binding(modelA).bindTo(modelB, 'symetricAttribute');
