
Results 24 issues of greg-minshall

if the default file is used (because the path ends in '/'), it appears that the file extension isn't set, and the file is returned, but with an incorrect 'content-type'...

the values of the mappings are coerced to be absolute paths (in `complete_paths()`). it might help the random user to have this documented.

hi. i'm converting from Rook::, and was looking for a replacement for its Static and File constructs. i didn't see any, so worked on implementing my own. i had noticed...

my `add_handler` call is like ```` images$add_handler('get', paste(images_url, "/:path", sep=""), ```` and, in the debugger, i see ```` Browse[2]> request$path [1] "/images/IMG_8001.png" Browse[2]> keys $path [1] "img_8001.png" ```` if it's...

thanks so much for fiery/reqres/routr. there's a persistent misspelling. the rule we were taught in the US early on is: "'I' before 'E' except after 'C'". it being English, there...

hi. both sides of internal links ("id" and "href") are labelled solely "sec-". so, the toc is out of service. is this a known issue? is there something i am...

hi. thanks very much for this! i'm new to docker, and had trouble getting `rocker/r-apt` (see below). eventually i realized the tag should be the specific Debian "name" (artful, etc.)....

hi. eless is very nice. so, i've been using it a lot. recently, i was updating a man page for some software of mine which is already installed on my...

sometimes, one would just like to see what the underlying link is. some sort of `link-hint-display-link` might be nice. here's something that doesn't really do the right thing (and doesn't...


hi. i often look up in different languages during a given day. the following patch allows one to use a prefix argument to have wiki-summary prompt for a language to...