Jung-Sang Ahn
Jung-Sang Ahn
NuRaft has its own stats defined like this https://github.com/eBay/NuRaft/blob/9d7c4cb04d0fe0e18e6b2ae4fbef503bfa7da8f0/src/buffer.cxx#L89-L96 and then gathered like this https://github.com/eBay/NuRaft/blob/9d7c4cb04d0fe0e18e6b2ae4fbef503bfa7da8f0/tests/unit/asio_service_test.cxx#L2573-L2580 but not that many. If you want to export metrics to external components like Prometheus,...
Jungle is another building block that is used for implementing log store and state machine. Metrics are defined in the upper layer that is using NuRaft and Jungle as a...
Hi @goodboylhp Returning `-1` means adding server failed. Can you provide more info? Did you run followers first and then ran master? There should be log files for each server...
Hi @goodboylhp If you see this page https://github.com/eBay/NuRaft/tree/master/tests/bench#how-to-run there is a parameter for payload size. For example, this will generate 256-byte payload. ``` $ ./raft_bench 1 30 100 2...
Hi @zouyonghao , I'm not sure due to the lack of info, but I guess it is because the port `10003` is already occupied by another process.
Hi @ZaychukAleksey 1) You can refer to the comment here https://github.com/eBay/NuRaft/issues/224#issuecomment-859255979 What you did was a sort of sabotage -- the behavior is undefined under such a wrong usage. Raft...
Agreed. Will update the page as well as examples.
Hi @Fullstop000 , we don't think dynamic change of quorum size is safe, although we haven't proved it rigorously. In eBay use cases, quorum size basically remains unchanged, and we...
Hi @sheepgrass This is a known testing issue due to the timing of asynchronous commit thread. Will provide a deterministic way soon. In the meantime, increasing `COMMIT_TIME_MS` value to bigger...
Hi @songenjie The client is not the scope of this project. You can make your own server and client, and put NuRaft to the server. The communication between the server...