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PXF - gs:parquet - Can't get Master Kerberos principal for use as renewer

Open mpospis opened this issue 2 years ago • 3 comments

Hello, When we try to query external table using gs:parquet profile after querying another external table using Hive profile with Kerberos authentication, the statement fails by reporting the following PXF server error:

[08000] ERROR: PXF server error : Can't get Master Kerberos principal for use as renewer

However after restarting PXF, a query selecting data from the external table with gs:parquet profile finishes successfully, but only until there's an external table with Hive profile queried. Attached pxf-service.log file captures DEBUG output with the sequence of events as follows:

  1. start PXF
  2. query external table adhoc.ext_test_gs pointing to 'folder' in GS using gs:parquet profile - finishes successfully
  3. query external table adhoc.ext_test_hive pointing to Hive table in a cluster with Kerberos auth enabled using Hive profile - finishes successfully
  4. query external table adhoc.ext_test_gs pointing to 'folder' in GS using gs:parquet profile - fails with PXF server error : Can't get Master Kerberos principal for use as renewer

The question is if this is a bug or misconfiguration issue?

Many thanks!

EDIT: Workaround - removing underscores from Google Cloud Storage bucket name has resolved the issue in our case, e.g. by changing its name from 'project-id-some_name' to 'project-id-some-name'.

Greenplum Version: 6.22.2 PXF version: 6.4.2


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>



# This file contains PXF properties that can be specified by users           #
# to customize their deployments. This file is sourced by PXF Server control #
# scripts upon initialization, start and stop of the PXF Server.             #
#                                                                            #
# To update a property, uncomment the line and provide a new value.          #

# Path to JAVA
# export JAVA_HOME=/opt/jdk11

# Path to Log directory
# export PXF_LOGDIR="${PXF_BASE}/logs"

# Path to Run directory
# export PXF_RUNDIR=${PXF_RUNDIR:=${PXF_BASE}/run}

# Memory
# export PXF_JVM_OPTS="-Xmx2g -Xms1g"

# Kill PXF on OutOfMemoryError, set to false to disable
# export PXF_OOM_KILL=true

# Dump heap on OutOfMemoryError, set to dump path to enable
# export PXF_OOM_DUMP_PATH=${PXF_BASE}/run/pxf_heap_dump

# Additional locations to be class-loaded by PXF

# Additional native libraries to be loaded by PXF

# The properties below were added by the pxf migrate
# tool on Fri Jun 18 17:50:49 CEST 2021

# export JAVA_HOME="/usr/lib/jvm/java-openjdk/jre"
export JAVA_HOME="/opt/jdk11"
export PXF_JVM_OPTS="-Xmx8g -Xms2g -Dlog4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true -Duser.timezone=UTC"



CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE adhoc.ext_test_gs
LOCATION ('pxf://*redacted|gs_bucket*/*redacted|gs_object*?PROFILE=gs:parquet&SERVER=*redacted|gs_server*')
FORMAT 'CUSTOM' (FORMATTER = 'pxfwritable_import');


CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE adhoc.ext_test_hive
LOCATION ('pxf://*redacted|schema*.*redacted|table*?PROFILE=Hive&SERVER=*redacted|hive_server*')
FORMAT 'custom' (FORMATTER = 'pxfwritable_import');

mpospis avatar Dec 12 '22 17:12 mpospis

Thank you for reporting this issue and providing detailed information. I just attempted a similar scenario in a development/testing environment but I was not able to reproduce the error. One thing I did notice in the log file you provided is that the Hive table is EXTERNAL and not MANAGED. What is the (redacted) location in the tables definition? Does this error happen if you query a MANAGED Hive table instead? Does this error occur if you use hdfs:parquet to read the parquet-formatted file directly?

bradfordb-vmware avatar Dec 13 '22 23:12 bradfordb-vmware

Thank you for reporting this issue and providing detailed information. I just attempted a similar scenario in a development/testing environment but I was not able to reproduce the error. One thing I did notice in the log file you provided is that the Hive table is EXTERNAL and not MANAGED. What is the (redacted) location in the tables definition? Does this error happen if you query a MANAGED Hive table instead? Does this error occur if you use hdfs:parquet to read the parquet-formatted file directly?

Hi Bradford, Thank you for looking into this case. Ad your questions - I only had a chance to test with EXTERNAL Hive table since we don't use MANAGED in our environments. However I also tried querying via hdfs:parquet profile at first and the same error was reported again when I queried data in Cloud Storage afterwards (via adhoc.ext_test_gs external table).

But I think I found a workaround, at least for our use case. I've figured that if the GCS bucket name contains underscores, PXF server error : Can't get Master Kerberos principal for use as renewer error is always reported after querying Hive/HDFS previously. In our case the bucket was named after 'project-id-some_name'. My apologies that this fact is hidden, resp. not obvious due to redacted location (*redacted|gs_bucket*) I provided. After I got rid of underscores, i.e. named the bucket 'project-id-some-name', the error is gone and querying data in Cloud Storage using gs:parquet profile works.

One more interesting thing is that this doesn't seem to affect EXTERNAL WRITABLE tables with gs:parquet profile, because it worked for me even if bucket name contained underscores.

mpospis avatar Dec 14 '22 15:12 mpospis

I was able to reproduce the error in dev/testing environment by using a bucket with an underscore in its name (e.g., <project-id>-bradford_scratch). I've added a bug to our team's internal tracker to investigate further and find a root cause for this error.

bradfordb-vmware avatar Dec 14 '22 21:12 bradfordb-vmware