gpdb copied to clipboard
Reader Gang's old catcache not cleard
Bug Report
Greenplum version or build
Tested on master branch with top commit ( 58cb8cf4320bded3b7bca45489575f3412ec5eff ).
But seems for me this impact all versions of gpdb. I try but not manage to build other bad case for gp6.
Step to reproduce the behavior
Firstly, we need to set ORCA on.
create table dml_union_s (a int not null, b numeric default 10.00) distributed by (a) partition by range(b);
create table dml_union_s_1_prt_2 partition of dml_union_s for values from (1) to (1001);
create table dml_union_s_1_prt_def partition of dml_union_s default;
insert into dml_union_s select generate_series(1,10), generate_series(1,10);
drop table dml_union_s_1_prt_def;
-- it is this SQL need run under orca to reproduce the issue
select count(distinct(b)) from dml_union_s;
-- this SQL fallback to planner now
update dml_union_s set a = (select null union select null)::numeric;
Get the error:
psql:a.sql:14: ERROR: expected partdefid 16396, but got 0 (partdesc.c:193) (seg2 slice2 pid=41797) (partdesc.c:193)