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gpssh-exkeys succeeds but gpssh reports Error: No user name available to Login method

Open yst001 opened this issue 2 years ago • 3 comments

I use docker to deploy the greenplum cluster, use the docker image of centos7, the rpm package is greenplum-db-6.16.3-rhel7-x86_64.rpm, during the deployment process, I encountered the situation that gpssh-exkeys succeeded but gpssh failed, which corresponds to master and other nodes have been configured for ssh password-free operation. Screenshot below: Snipaste_2022-08-20_11-08-35

how should i solve this problem?

yst001 avatar Aug 20 '22 03:08 yst001

This doesn't look like a bug. You shouldn't be doing this as the root user. Is it right?

zjpedu avatar Aug 24 '22 02:08 zjpedu

Try switching to the gpadmin user.

Aegeaner avatar Aug 24 '22 02:08 Aegeaner

Try switching to the gpadmin user.

zjpedu avatar Aug 24 '22 03:08 zjpedu