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Angular updates not triggering PRs
For some reason we are not getting PRs to our @angular
packages even after there are out of range updates released. Have gone through two or three releases where this happened, even after waiting a few days after each release.
Most recently the version 6.1.9
of Angular was not updated to version 6.1.10
Here is most of our package.json
(omitted a private package, scripts, license and other irrelevant fields):
"dependencies": {
"@angular/animations": "6.1.9",
"@angular/cdk": "6.4.7",
"@angular/common": "6.1.9",
"@angular/compiler": "6.1.9",
"@angular/core": "6.1.9",
"@angular/flex-layout": "6.0.0-beta.18",
"@angular/forms": "6.1.9",
"@angular/http": "6.1.9",
"@angular/material": "6.4.7",
"@angular/material-moment-adapter": "6.4.7",
"@angular/platform-browser": "6.1.9",
"@angular/platform-browser-dynamic": "6.1.9",
"@angular/platform-server": "6.1.9",
"@angular/router": "6.1.9",
"@auth0/angular-jwt": "2.0.0",
"@ngx-translate/core": "10.0.2",
"@ngx-translate/http-loader": "3.0.1",
"@ngxs/devtools-plugin": "3.2.0",
"@ngxs/logger-plugin": "3.2.0",
"@ngxs/router-plugin": "3.2.0",
"@ngxs/storage-plugin": "3.2.0",
"@ngxs/store": "3.2.0",
"@swimlane/ngx-charts": "9.0.0",
"@swimlane/ngx-datatable": "12.0.0",
"ajv": "6.5.4",
"amcharts3": "3.21.13",
"angular2-json-schema-form": "",
"angular2-powerbi": "0.1.1",
"angulartics2": "6.3.0",
"browser-update": "3.2.2",
"classlist.js": "1.1.20150312",
"core-js": "2.5.7",
"file-saver": "1.3.8",
"flag-icon-css": "3.2.0",
"hammerjs": "2.0.8",
"jsvat": "1.2.4",
"lodash-es": "4.17.11",
"moment": "2.22.2",
"moment-timezone": "0.5.21",
"ng-intercom": "6.0.0-beta.3",
"ng2-nouislider": "1.7.12",
"ngx-cookie": "4.0.2",
"ngx-destroy-subscribers": "6.0.1",
"ngx-moment": "3.1.0",
"ngx-uploader": "6.1.0",
"nouislider": "^9.2.0",
"numeral": "2.0.6",
"outdated-browser-rework": "2.5.4",
"papaparse": "4.6.1",
"parse-decimal-number": "1.0.0",
"raven-js": "^3.27.0",
"reflect-metadata": "0.1.12",
"rxjs": "6.3.3",
"rxjs-compat": "6.3.3",
"sweetalert2": "7.28.5",
"web-animations-js": "2.3.1",
"zone.js": "0.8.26"
"devDependencies": {
"@angular-devkit/build-angular": "0.8.5",
"@angular/cli": "6.2.3",
"@angular/compiler-cli": "6.1.9",
"@types/file-saver": "1.3.1",
"@types/hammerjs": "2.0.36",
"@types/jasminewd2": "2.0.5",
"@types/jsonwebtoken": "7.2.8",
"@types/lodash": "4.14.117",
"@types/node": "10.11.7",
"@types/numeral": "0.0.25",
"codelyzer": "4.4.4",
"jasmine-core": "3.2.1",
"jasmine-spec-reporter": "4.2.1",
"jsonwebtoken": "8.3.0",
"karma": "3.0.0",
"karma-chrome-launcher": "2.2.0",
"karma-cli": "1.0.1",
"karma-coverage-istanbul-reporter": "2.0.4",
"karma-jasmine": "1.1.2",
"karma-jasmine-html-reporter": "1.3.1",
"prettier": "1.14.3",
"protractor": "5.4.1",
"rxjs-tslint-rules": "4.10.0",
"tslint": "5.11.0",
"tslint-config-prettier": "1.15.0",
"typedoc": "^0.11.1",
"typescript": "~2.9.2",
"webpack-bundle-analyzer": "3.0.2"
"browserslist": [
"last 2 versions",
"not ie <= 10",
"not ie_mob <= 10"
"engines": {
"node": "^8.0.0",
"npm": "^5.0.0"
And this is our greenkeeper.json
"ignore": [
I note some possible complications or issues that Greenkeeper may be encountering and preventing the creation of these PRs:
has a different release cadence and thus most often have different versions. I fixed this in the corresponding monorepo definition repository: - There are multiple peer dependencies to Angular notably RxJS and Typescript. Among them we ignore one (Typescript) for now, as it won't be supported until Angular 7.
- We have some dependencies which throw warnings that their peer dependencies don't match our current Angular version, also don't match even higher Angular version. They do however work good enough for us. The reversed of what is discussed here:
Thanks for getting in touch and thanks the fix for the monorepo deps 🥇 We’ve been getting a couple of these reports and are investigating at the moment, thanks in advance for your patience!
@espy Thanks for the quick response to the issue. Have observed that this issue still appears to be present even after my recent PR was merged: greenkeeperio/monorepo-definitions#22.
So think it's still an issue unless there's a larger delay to the release than I am aware of.
Any updates on this issue would be appreciated.
We will regardless be updating to a new major version of Angular which will require updating all our other libraries which have Angular as a peer dependency. Which I don't think is currently supported in Greenkeeper but potentially would be a nice future feature as a lot of automatic tooling is being created surrounded this using @angular/cli