Wikiget copied to clipboard
Awk based command-line tool to access some Wikimedia API functions
Wikiget is a Unix command-line tool to retrieve lists of article titles from Wikipedia, search Wikipedia, edit Wikipedia and more.
A list of target article titles is often needed for bot makers. For example all articles in a category, articles that use a template (backlinks), or articles edited by a username (user contributions). Wget provides a simple front-end to common API requests.
Search Wikipedia from the command-line with the option for regex and snippits output.
Editing Wikipedia couldn't be easier with the -E option. See EDITSETUP for authentication.
Wikiget options and examples:
Wikiget - command-line access to some Wikimedia API functions
-b <name> Backlinks for article, template, userpage, etc..
-t <types> (option) 1-3 letter string of types of backlinks:
n(ormal)t(ranscluded)f(ile). Default: "ntf".
See -h for more info
-n <namespace> (option) Pipe-separated numeric value(s) of namespace(s)
Only list pages in this namespace. Default: 0
See -h for NS codes and examples
-F <name> Forward-links for article, template, userpage, etc..
-B <name> Redirects for article, template, userpage, etc..
-n <namespace> (option) Pipe-separated numeric value(s) of namespace(s)
Only list redirects in this namespace. Default: 0
See -h for NS codes and examples
User contributions:
-u <username> Username without User: prefix
-s <starttime> Start time in YMD format (-s 20150101). Required with -u
-e <endtime> End time in YMD format (-e 20151231). If same as -s,
does 24hr range. Required with -u
-i <regex> (option) Edit comment must include regex match
-j <regex> (option) Edit comment must exclude regex match
-n <namespace> (option) Pipe-separated numeric value(s) of namespace
Only list pages in this namespace. Default: 0
See -h for NS codes and examples
Recent changes:
-r Recent changes (past 30 days) aka Special:RecentChanges
Either -o or -t required
-o <username> Only list changes made by this user
-k <tag> Only list changes tagged with this tag
-i <regex> (option) Edit comment must include regex match
-j <regex> (option) Edit comment must exclude regex match
-n <namespace> (option) Pipe-separated numeric value(s) of namespace
Only list pages in this namespace. Default: 0
See -h for NS codes and examples
Category list:
-c <category> List articles in a category
-q <types> (option) 1-3 letter string of types of links:
p(age)s(ubcat)f(ile). Default: "p"
Search-result list:
-a <search> List of articles containing a search string
See docs
-d (option) Include search-result snippet in output (def: title)
-g <target> (option) Search in "title" or "text" (def: "text")
-n <namespace> (option) Pipe-separated numeric value(s) of namespace
Only list pages in this namespace. Default: 0
See -h for NS codes and examples
-i <maxsize> (option) Max number of results to return. Default: 10000
10k max limit imposed by search engine
-j (option) Show number of search results
External links list:
-x <domain name> List articles containing domain name (Special:Linksearch)
Works with domain-name only. To search for a full URI use
regex. eg. -a "insource:/http:\/\/\/home.htm/"
To include subdomains use wildcards: "-x *"
-n <namespace> (option) Pipe-separated numeric value(s) of namespace
Only list pages in this namespace. Default: 0
See -h for NS codes and examples
Print wiki text:
-w <article> Print wiki text of article
-p (option) Plain-text version (strip wiki markup)
-f (option) Don't follow redirects (print redirect page)
All pages:
-A Print a list of page titles on the wiki (possibly very large)
-t <# type> 1=All, 2=Skip redirects, 3=Only redirects. Default: 2
-k <#> Number of pages to return. 0 is all. Default: 10
-n <namespace> (option) Pipe-separated numeric value(s) of namespace
Only list pages in this namespace. Default: 0
See -h for NS codes and examples
Edit page:
-E <title> Edit a page with this title. Requires -S and -P
-S <summary> Edit summary
-P <filename> Page content filename. If "STDIN" read from stdin
See EDITSETUP for authentication configuration
-R <page> Move from page name. Requires -T
-T <page> Move to page name
-G <page> Purge page
-I Show OAuth userinfo
Global options:
-l <language> Wiki language code (default: en)
-z <project> Wiki project (default: wikipedia)
-m <#> API maxlag value (default: 5)
-y Print debugging to stderr (show URLs sent to API)
-V Version and copyright
-h Help with examples
for a User: showing all link types ("ntf")
wikiget -b "User:Jimbo Wales"
for a User: showing normal and transcluded links
wikiget -b "User:Jimbo Wales" -t nt
for a Template: showing transcluded links
wikiget -b "Template:Gutenberg author" -t t
for a File: showing file links
wikiget -b "File:Justforyoucritter.jpg" -t f
for article "Paris (Idaho)" on the French Wiki
wikiget -b "Paris (Idaho)" -l fr
User contributions:
show all edits from 9/10-9/12 on 2001
wikiget -u "Jimbo Wales" -s 20010910 -e 20010912
show all edits during the 24hrs of 9/11
wikiget -u "Jimbo Wales" -s 20010911 -e 20010911
show all edits when the edit-comment starts with 'A'
wikiget -u "Jimbo Wales" -s 20010911 -e 20010911 -i "^A"
articles only
wikiget -u "Jimbo Wales" -s 20010911 -e 20010930 -n 0
talk pages only
wikiget -u "Jimbo Wales" -s 20010911 -e 20010930 -n 1
talk and articles only
wikiget -u "Jimbo Wales" -s 20010911 -e 20010930 -n "0|1"
-n codes:
Recent changes:
show edits for prior 30 days by IABot made under someone else's name
(ie. OAuth) with an edit summary including this target word
wikiget -k "OAuth CID: 1804" -r -i "Bluelinking"
CID list:
Category list:
pages in a category
wikiget -c "Category:1900 births"
subcats in a category
wikiget -c "Category:Dead people" -q s
subcats and pages in a category
wikiget -c "Category:Dead people" -q sp
Search-result list:
article titles containing a search
wikiget -a "Jethro Tull" -g title
first 50 articles containing a search
wikiget -a John -i 50
include snippet of text containing the search string
wikiget -a John -i 50 -d
search talk and articles only
wikiget -a "Barleycorn" -n "0|1"
regex search, include debug output
wikiget -a "insource:/ia[^.]*[.]us[.]/" -y
subpages of User:GreenC
wikiget -a "user: subpageof:GreenC"
search docs:
-n codes:
External link list:
list articles containing a URL with this domain
wikiget -x ""
list articles in NS 1 containing a URL with this domain
wikiget -x "*" -n 1
All pages:
all page titles excluding redirects w/debug tracking progress
wikiget -A -t 2 -y > list.txt
first 50 page titles including redirects
wikiget -A -t 1 -k 50 > list.txt
Print wiki text:
wiki text of article "Paris" on the English Wiki
wikiget -w "Paris"
plain text of article "China" on the French Wiki
wikiget -w "China" -p -l fr
wiki text of article on Wikinews
wikiget -w "Healthy cloned monkeys born in Shanghai" -z wikinews
Edit page:
Edit "Paris" by uploading new content from the local file
wikiget -E "Paris" -S "Fix spelling" -P "/home/"
Input via stdin
cat /home/ | wikiget -E "Paris" -S "Fix spelling" -P STDIN
Download wikiget.awk
Set executable: chmod 750 wikiget.awk
Optionally create a symlink: ln -s wikiget.awk wikiget
Change hashbang (first line) to location of GNU Awk 4+ - use 'which gawk' to see where it is on your system.
Change the "Contact" line to your Wikipedia Username (optional or leave blank)
Requires one of the following to be in the path: wget, curl or lynx (use 'which wget' to see where it is on your system)
The advantage of working in Unix is access to other tools. Some examples follow.
A search-replace bot:
wikiget -w "Wikipedia" | sed 's/Wikipedia/Wikipodium/g' | wikiget -E "Wikipedia" -S "Change to Wikipodium" -P STDIN
Expand: download the wikisource (-w) for article "Wikipedia". Search/replace (sed) all occurances of 'Wikipedia' with 'Wikipodium'. Upload result (-E) with (-S) edit summary taking input from STDIN. This can be added to a for-loop that operates on a list of articles.
This unix pipe method is for light and quick work, for a production bot a script would invoke wikiget with -P
To find the intersection of two categories (articles that exist in both), download the category lists using the -c option, then use grep to find the intersection:
grep -xF -f list1 list2
Or to find the names unique to list2
grep -vxF -f list1 list2
by User:GreenC (
MIT License
Wikiget is part of the BotWikiAwk framework of tools and libraries for building and running bots on Wikipedia