aamlibrary copied to clipboard
Active Appearance Model C++ Library
Active Appearance Model C++ Library (AAMLibrary)
- opencv 1.0 or later
- cmake 2.6 or later
How to build your program
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
Quick Tutorial
- For model training, you should have several pairs of images and annotations. AAMLibrary supports pts and asf format.
- Download the imm dataset from AAM-API's homepage link: IMM Dataset
- Download FRANCK dataset annotated by Cootes link: Cootes's Dataset
- Download helen dataset from this link: Helen Dataset
- You can generate your pts file by using Cootes's am_tools and asf file by using Stagmman's aam-api.
Train the Cootes's basic active appearance models using 3 parymid levels
./build -t 0 -p 3 ../helen jpg pts haarcascade_frontalface_alt2.xml basic.amf
Train the Matthews and S. Baker's Inverse Compositional models using 2 parymid levels
./build -t 1 -p 2 ../helen jpg pts haarcascade_frontalface_alt2.xml ic.amf
Image alignment on an image
./fit my.amf haarcascade_frontalface_alt2.xml test.jpg
Face tracking on a video file
./fit my.amf haarcascade_frontalface_alt2.xml test.avi
if you have any question, contact me at [email protected], THANKS.