Cocos2d-x-Asynchronous-Http-Request-Library copied to clipboard
A simple library wrote as a cocos2d-x extension that provides asynchronously http get/post/download request facility.
A Cocos2d-x Asynchronous Http Request Libray That Let You Make Asynchrounous Http Requests From Cocos2d-x A FUN!
You can find the library file:
- CCHttpRequest.h
- CCHttpRequest.cpp
Under CCHttpRequestExample/Classes
This library had been written as a cocos2d-x extension, Use it is very simple:
CCHttpRequest *gateway = CCHttpRequest::sharedHttpRequest();
//Get Request
std::string url = "";
gateway->addGetTask(url, NULL, NULL);
//Post Request
std::string postData = "key=value";
gateway->addPostTask(url, postData, NULL, NULL);
//Download File
std::vector<std::string> downloads;
gateway->addDownloadTask(urls, NULL, NULL);
You can specify a callback just by simply replace the NULL parameter with your selector, So you can process the response data in your callback method.