gl-react icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
gl-react copied to clipboard

Implementation in Video(React Native)

Open ShashwatMDas opened this issue 4 years ago • 6 comments

Implementation Issue

So I have been trying to implement gl-react over videos in React Native(Expo CLI). I follwed this example .

Expected behavior

Video should play with gl-react layers.

Actual behavior

However I get this error(copying the files exactly as it is):


So I tried changing the code a bit. (only index.js)

// @flow
import React, { useRef, useEffect } from "react";
import { Shaders, GLSL, Node } from "gl-react";
import { Video } from 'expo-av';
import VideoPlayer from 'expo-video-player'
import { Surface } from "gl-react-expo";
import raf from "raf";
import videoMP4 from "./videoMP4.mp4";
export { videoMP4 };
export const VideoContext: React$Context<?HTMLVideoElement> = React.createContext();
import {Dimensions} from 'react-native'

const width = Dimensions.get('window').width;
const height = Dimensions.get('window').height;

// We implement a component <Video> that is like <video>
// but provides a onFrame hook so we can efficiently only render
// if when it effectively changes.
export const VideoPlay = ({ onFrame, }: { onFrame: number => void }) => {
  const video = useRef();

  useEffect(() => {
    let handle;
    let lastTime;

    const loop = () => {
      handle = raf(loop);
      if (!video.current) return;
      const currentTime = video.current.currentTime;
      // Optimization that only call onFrame if time changes
      if (currentTime !== lastTime) {
        lastTime = currentTime;
    handle = raf(loop);

    return () => raf.cancel(handle);
  }, [onFrame]);

  return (
    <VideoContext.Provider value={video}>
      {} ref={video}
              shouldPlay: true,
              resizeMode: Video.RESIZE_MODE_CONTAIN,
              source: require('./videoMP4.mp4'),

// Our example will simply split R G B channels of the video.
const shaders = Shaders.create({
  SplitColor: {
    frag: GLSL`
precision highp float;
varying vec2 uv;
uniform sampler2D children;
void main () {
  float y = uv.y * 3.0;
  vec4 c = texture2D(children, vec2(uv.x, mod(y, 1.0)));
  gl_FragColor = vec4(
    c.r * step(2.0, y) * step(y, 3.0),
    c.g * step(1.0, y) * step(y, 2.0),
    c.b * step(0.0, y) * step(y, 1.0),
  //^NB perf: in fragment shader paradigm, we want to avoid code branch (if / for)
  // and prefer use of built-in functions and just giving the GPU some computating.
  // step(a,b) is an alternative to do if(): returns 1.0 if a<b, 0.0 otherwise.
const SplitColor = ({ children }) => (
  <Node shader={shaders.SplitColor} uniforms={{ children }} />

// We now uses <Video> in our GL graph.
// The texture we give to <SplitColor> is a (redraw)=><Video> function.
// redraw is passed to Video onFrame event and Node gets redraw each video frame.
export default VideoShow = () => (
  <Surface style={{height: height, width: width}} pixelRatio={1}>
      {redraw => (
        <VideoPlay onFrame={redraw} autoPlay loop />

Now I get a complete black screen as the layer over the video. Video plays for sure, since audio is coming, seems like the gl layer over it comes as black only. This warning comes >> Node#138(colorify#50), uniform children: child is not renderable. Got:, null

ShashwatMDas avatar Jul 05 '20 19:07 ShashwatMDas

I am also having a similar issue, with webcam feed - react native

magiccDev avatar Sep 19 '20 08:09 magiccDev

I'm trying this with a react-native-video but it dosen't pick up as well. (not on expo)

child is not renderable. Got:', null

Any idea?

enigmablue avatar Jan 24 '21 12:01 enigmablue

@gre wonder if you could advise best way this could be fixed?

I can see a gl-react-image Is there a need for something similar for gl-react-native video ? And for the uniform to pick it up?

enigmablue avatar Jan 25 '21 10:01 enigmablue

Related to #215

bastienrobert avatar Mar 31 '21 12:03 bastienrobert

Is the issue that we cannot access the frame in <Video> from expo? Would using to capture the video frame make sense? Or would that be too slow?

wcandillon avatar Apr 11 '21 20:04 wcandillon

i think the underlying gl.node simply dosen't support video surfaces which i think is fundamentally different from images.

i 'resolved' it by showing /rendering the preview version of the video, which I have as a gif format - instead of trying to put the gl-react filter on the actual mp4 video. Then afterwards i have to ffmpeg filters to manually 'synchronize' with the gl-react filter.

In any case, it would have been inefficient to try to render all the different filter options to show the user on the actual mp4 video.

enigmablue avatar Apr 12 '21 03:04 enigmablue